Wars Fought Battles Lost

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Zyanya worked with Lisina and Keelin on the masks while Henrik helped Freya with the hats and Ilyas and Rihaan walked around and helped everyone else with decor and other things Zyanya watched as a man walked over to the table with a silver suitcase in his hand as Keelin walks over to where Freya, Ivy and Henrik were working on the hats "do you trust me?!"  she whispers to Lisina who looks at her oddly but nods then she turns when she hears a man say nervously "are-are you Lisina? I'm sorry they told me I had to do this"  the man places the suitcase in both his hands and Zyanya rises hers laying her palms flat up in the air as though she were a mime touching an invisible wall the blast goes around her and Lisina who was magically reverted to her werewolf form as a copy of her was killed by the blast of the bomb in the suitcase Henrik had shielded Keelin from the blast and Ilyas shielded Rihaan "go! once you reach the Bayou you have the choice to return to your human form or stay a wolf and continue to watch over your people from the shadows"  Zyanya whispers to Lisina's wolf form and Lisina runs out of the church before she is seen "come on guys lets help the others!"  Zyanya says to her sons and Henrik they nod then rush around and check up on the wounded helping them reach a safer place then after Marcel makes his speech to the community they march/fight with Vincent and the others through the streets of New Orleans in honor of another fallen that Zyanya had secretly saved "so, let me get this straight our solution, everyone in their corners, separate, was good enough when he demanded it, but somehow I'm hateful for proposing the same?"  an astral projection of a Nightwalker named Emmett asks as most of New Orleans faces him and an astral projection of his fellow Nightwalkers "no less hateful when it was his idea"  Josh replies "that's right"  Marcel says "Marcel can't die, but you can are the werewolves really worth dying for?"  Emmett asks "you're damn right"  Vincent replies then he creates fire that surrounds Emmett's astral projected buddies who disappear "did you do that?"  Marcel asks "no astral projection they must have a witch"  Vincent replies "poor Vincent you picked a side, and in doing so, betrayed the witches and your sweet Ivy you should've taken me up on my offer"  Emmett says then he too disappears "so what, did he just come here to bluff?"  Marcel asks "I think he wanted to sh.... he wanted to find out what side I was gonna choose and he wanted to punish me if I chose wrong"  Vincent replies then he runs away probably heading towards wherever Ivy was and everyone else heads back to their homes grateful that they get to live another day.... that night Zyanya talked to Niklaus and explained what happened so he agreed that their son Rihaan should head back to the Salvatore School with Henrik and Ilyas who had also taken jobs there....

Zyanya woke to the sound of a table breaking she rolls her eyes and heads down to the courtyard where Niklaus was having Hope attack him so she could get rid of the voices whispering in her head the ones Zyanya couldn't take away because Hope want...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Zyanya woke to the sound of a table breaking she rolls her eyes and heads down to the courtyard where Niklaus was having Hope attack him so she could get rid of the voices whispering in her head the ones Zyanya couldn't take away because Hope wanted to do it on her own as Zyanya was walking towards the courtyard she hears Niklaus say "all of that pain, that simmering darkness you need to purge it before it eats you alive"  and Hope reply breathlessly "dad...."  Niklaus shouts "give me your anger, Hope!"  then he looks up when he hears Zyanya say softly "Hope"  Hope looks over at her and her entire body calms and the voices go away "you may not want me to take it away but I can make it easier all you have to do is let me!"  Zyanya says as she walks over to her stepdaughter Hope nods "Niklaus you're going to want to find Roman unfortunately this is just a temporary fix"  Zyanya says as she places her hands on Hope's shoulders and Niklaus rushes out of the compound using his vampire speed Zyanya takes Hope back to a time when things were a little bit more peaceful for her when The Hollow was not inside her it was all just a feeling but it helped Hope knew that Zyanya also pushed The Hollow back which was why it was only a "temporary fix".... a few hours later Niklaus returns with Roman in tow then he once again takes over "helping" Hope with her problem.... "she isn't going to be able to kill him you know?!.... there is still a part of her that loves him!"  Zyanya tells Niklaus as they sit on the stairs him sitting on one step higher than her he smiles at her as he wraps his arm around her chest then pulls her to him for he knew there was a part of her that still remembered what it was like when he was the one being tormented in the dungeon and all he wanted to do was comfort her "there's a lot going on out there!.... witches were killed and are now in transition!.... something is happening to Marcellus but since I never had the closeness I have with you and your family with him I can't feel it!.... out of all the wars won and lost in New Orleans this one is going to have the biggest impact just in a much different way than most wars do!"  she says softly he kisses the top of her head she looks up and sees Elijah walk in then she borrows Niklaus' vampire speed and leaves the room.... "Hope!"  Hope hears Zyanya's voice say softly as she (Hope) uses her magic to pick up the knife and stab Roman in the back "only cowards kill from behind if you really want to do what you're about to do then face him1.... look him in the eyes!"  Zyanya adds as she continues to walk into the dungeon Hope puts down the knife as she begins to calm down and the whispers once again go away but before they completely disappear Hope sees black veins appear all along her arm "why don't you take a break?!"  Zyanya says and Hope walks over to her then the two women walk out of the dungeon and the chains that held Roman fall but as he tries to follow them he finds that he is trapped behind a invisible barrier.... Zyanya felt Josh's death she also felt the change in the magic of New Orleans as the witches free their ancestors from the well granting them peace she also felt the change in Hope who had "woke up" her werewolf side.... "do you remember the necklace I gave Hayley for Hope on her first Christmas with the family?!"  Zyanya asks Niklaus the next day he looks at her then tries to think back "it was a heart with wings and a jewel inside it I'm actually not all that surprised that Hope isn't wearing it.... Tatiana, Ilyas and I made it so it has some of our borrowed magic should calm the dark anger within her.... she doesn't want me to take it away because she's "Li'l Miss Independent" and wants to do everything herself but that doesn't mean I can't try to make it a little easier from time to time!"  Zyanya adds Niklaus chuckles softly with a smile then goes in search of the necklace which he gives to Hope after he goes to see her at the cemetery.... everyone but Zyanya went to Keelin and Freya's wedding Zyanya figured since Freya still doesn't like her it would be best that she not go so they could keep the happy day Lisina and Hayley were also there in their wolf forms and that was how Elijah learned that Hayley was still alive for there was no way he would forget what Hayley's wolf form looked like when Zyanya returned to the compound she found Hayley in her wolf form sleeping at the foot of Hope's bed and Rihaan sleeping next to Hope who had her arm around him and her chin laying gently on top of his head Zyanya waves to Hayley who looked up at her then laid her head back down as Zyanya continued walking past for the next week Hayley and Rihaan slept with Hope that very same way yes Niklaus was upset that Zyanya didn't come to the wedding but as usual he quickly forgave her especially since it was her idea to have Lisina and Hayley there even if it was just in their wolf forms....

 everyone but Zyanya went to Keelin and Freya's wedding Zyanya figured since Freya still doesn't like her it would be best that she not go so they could keep the happy day Lisina and Hayley were also there in their wolf forms and that was how Elij...

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

^^just in case you forgot what the necklace looks like here it is^^

"Without my help there is only one way to fix this!"  Zyanya tells Niklaus who turns and looks at her "a life for a life and if you go I go too!"  she adds he looks at her sadly "we'll finally be free Niklaus!.... after all the pain the world has put us through we deserve this!.... Henrik, Tatiana and Ilyas will look after Rihaan while working at the Salvatore school"  she continues sliding her knuckles along his cheek "you know what I have planned don't you?!"  he asks she smiles and replies "when don't I know what you have planned?!"  he smiles then kisses her lips "if you have Caroline's girls siphon it into me I can destroy what's left and Hope can't tell me to not fix it because it won't be in her anymore!"  he laughs "if we do this my way I'll finally be able to completely keep my promise.... I did once tell her that I would kill her and I did kill some of her but not all but the choice is yours as it always has been just remember.... if you go I go!"  she says softly as she wraps her hand around the back of his head and places her forehead on his he kisses her forehead "I was thinking.... when she turns on her first full moon you and Henrik should join her Rihaan would but luckily he hasn't triggered his yet.... surprisingly enough he's been looking forward to it!"  she adds he chuckles.... as Zyanya had the last of the Hollow placed within her all of the Mikaelson's that were closets to her felt her pain and every pain she has ever felt when they got hurt in tenfold as she screamed when the Hollow went in her and was destroyed Elijah, Tatiana, Ilyas, Rihaan, Niklaus, Hope and Henrik walk over to the barrier circle that she stood in and stare at her with a worried expression on their faces Zyanya turns and rushes over to her family and hugs them "you knew?!"  Niklaus whispers into her ear with a soft surprised tone and he could feel her smile upon his neck then hears her whisper  "one more day!.... we get one more day to say our goodbyes!"  he nods then kisses her temple.... on the night of their death Zyanya tells Niklaus some surprising news "Rebekah's already cured!.... she thinks I just gave her the ability to have children but.... if she's as capable of reading inbetween the lines she might just see if Marcel would take the cure you had Caroline look for for her.... and Hayley.... she has a choice of her own to make.... whether or not she wants to continue to watch her daughter grow up while staying in her wolf form since the world believes she's dead or if she's now ready to pass on completely knowing that her daughter might be ready to let her go.... though in truth she may never be ready because no one ever is!"  Zyanya tells him he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face then asks once he gets over it "who are we waiting for?!"  she replies "the one who will never be able to let go of his duty as your brother!"  they look over at a smiling Elijah who was walking towards her "I'll give you a few minutes"  she says then she walks away.... a few minutes later she walks back over to them and says as she moves her hair away from her neck "alright gentlemen one last drink.... after all it's only fitting that I die doing what I was meant to do!"  they smile then bite into one side of her neck then as they were drinking all three of them slowly turn to ash and float away 

Forever Alwaysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن