Your Attempts On Our Lives Have Failed To Impress Me

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"Davina, I haven't called out to you in a lot of years because you couldn't hear me but I think you can hear me now I need your help with the Ancestors"  Vincent says as Elijah wakes up then asks as he stands up with a little help from Tatiana and buttons up his suit jacket "what are you doing?"  Vincent replies "if there's anything left of her, she can accept the sacrifice and restore the link Davina, I need you to help me bring those girls back over here and then you and me, we can, we can work together I shouldn't be doing this ritual, because I lost faith in the Ancestors a long time ago, but I never once lost faith in you help"  Elijah kneels by Vincent's side as thunder booms once again and Vincent whispers "I know there's one good heart over there"  the ritual table that has Davina's skull on it starts to shake and both Elijah and Vincent stare at it and Vincent raises his head so that it bends backwards as it starts to rain one of the girls sits up and screams then the others follow gasping for breath and panting "have a nice nap girls?!"  Zyanya asks the girls start laughing "you mean to tell me?!"  Vincent asks with a surprised tone "apparently I can copy witches too!"  Zyanya says "oh and you owe them a party!.... they died for you after all!.... I WOULD ask you to apologize to Elijah since he never actually killed them but that would be asking too much of you!"  she adds then she and Tatiana walk away listening to Vincent chuckle softly as Elijah follows them out of the cemetery.... after his visit with Marcel Niklaus goes in search of the woman he loves he finds Zyanya laying on a raft in the middle of the bayou with her hands laying along her stomach sensing his presence she sits up and says softly "I'm sorry!.... I just needed to see the stars! and before you ask.... it was you who made me promise to stay out so I helped Elijah not go against his own moral heart as he forces a ritual no one wanted done!"  a small corner smile slide up his lips and she dives off her raft and swims over to him seeing her swim in the water made him think back to when they made love in the lake in Mystic Falls and he strips then jumps in and joins her.... Niklaus and Zyanya end up falling asleep naked and in one anothers arms in the grass by the body of water they swam and made love in as she slept Zyanya dreamed of her creation and she found out some shocking news that she was not only created by the ancestors but the Hollow as well she was the ONLY thing they worked together on and the reason she was created to kill the "unnatural" was because well the most obvious reason the Hollow and the Ancestors wanted to get rid of their enemies/competition the only problem was that she didn't remember her dream when she woke up she also woke up alone but was surprised to find herself in the Mikaelson compound she chuckles softly then climbs out of Niklaus' bed and goes to prepare for the day....

"I always hated this place!.... even more than I hate the actuality of New Orleans.... it's so dark! Niklaus hears Zyanya says softly once he was left alone in the Ancestors Well when he turns to face her she sits down on the floor whispering softly "I made things worse didn't I?!.... I wasn't there when she died but.... I went in her place when they used the stone on her in here!.... I thought that since I didn't have one it couldn't do anything to me!.... her soul was never split but she spent five years in this darkness which means it had five years to seep within her soul!"  he walks over to her sits down beside her and hugs her to him as she continues "she's not going to find another way.... it isn't that there isn't one but she still won't.... the Davina I knew was not a "kill to be vengeful person" sure she could hate as well as the best of us but she somehow always found a way to forgive and now....!"  she looks up at him and says "they're were supposed to be three!.... one to represent each man I love but one died.... I believe he.... or she.... became Tati and Lyas' soul.... the unborn one represented my love for Mikael (spoken in her usual way) his or her death represented how my love for him died because of his betrayal.... I understand how they were created now and why it was Elijah.... yes one was what we did TO create them but the FULLNESS of it was.... I had a hold of his heart which means I used an ability to kill him.... you I knocked unconscious by snapping your neck which didn't require any ability at all magic or otherwise any human with enough strength could snap another humans neck.... I think.... being here!.... taking her place!.... it gave me what I never had though I also believe that I took a part of her soul.... yes the life stone or whatever they tried to use on her didn't do its job but I had to have something for it to focus on so somehow I GAINED somewhat of a soul or maybe a full one THAT'S why everything is different!.... why it's stronger!.... I have something that can truly FEEL now!.... oh and one other thing.... to make "us" one hundred percent official we have to get married two to three more times.... in your dream we were married by a witch we also need to be married by a werewolf and a vampire and quite possibly a human but we have to do it in their way.... not that vampires have a specific way but it does have to be officiated by one.... just thought you should know!"  he chuckles "I would say two more.... once again each to represent a man I love.... the untrustworthy witch.... though I trust the witch we used in your dream very much.... represented my love for your father.... the loyal werewolf and the vindictive vampire will represent you and Elijah.... you two can fight over which description defines your representation!"  she tells him he laughs....

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