Chapter 31, Life Vs Death

Start from the beginning

She gets out of the car and walks to the boot, she grabs all of our equipment. We all get out of the car slowly and quietly, we help Dezi get out nice and easy, to prevent hurting or disturbing the babies.

"Woah, it's completely wrecked." Dezi gasps.

She was right, everything was damaged and broken. I don't know how we're gonna find an airplane here. It's completely deserted and so quiet. At least until we got here.

"Hey you made it before us! I thought we were in front." Elijah says confused.

"Well babe next time keep your eyes on the road." Katelyn says flirting as she lightly kisses him on the cheek.

"It's so dark, I can't see a thing. I only see shadows and you guys." Taylor states, standing near the car with Jess, holding her hand.

I look around and see if I can find anything. I hear josh shuffling around behind me, he should be fine I'll only be gone for a second.

"Feli where are you going?" Mia questions.

"I'm just trying to find some sort of power or switch that will turn the lights on so we can see." I say still walking around.

I turn around and behind a bunch of bushes I see a "DO NOT TOUCH" sign, obviously I'm gonna touch it. Yes! It's the power switch, they probably put that there so kids wouldn't see it. I'm about to pull the switch, but I hear Taylor yell no!

 But it's too late I pull the switch down and as fast as a bullet the Theme Park lights up. Realisation hits me and I remember that zombies are attracted to noise and bright lights, and the theme park is just that, but worse, SHIT!

Katelyns POV

We've all been wandering around in the dark for a while, I think Felicity has gone to look for a power switch of some sort. Hopefully she hurries the hell up! My vision is having a hard time adjusting to this hellhole. I'm looking for food, any kind of food will do, I'm starving! All of a sudden I hear Taylor yell no, I'm really confused, but realisation kicks in and I see the whole place light up, oh how I've missed this. Oh wait. Shit. Lights and sound attract zombies!

"Guys! We've gotta turn the power off!" I yell but nobody can hear me because of the loud damn music. I run back to the car and grab all of the guns. I see Taylor running towards the car as I make my way back into the park.

"Hey, I need guns, like now!" I just climbed up to the lookout tower and there are hundreds of zombies coming our way! We need to get the hell out of here!" Taylor yells with worry in her voice. 

Jesus Felicity. I give Taylor her guns and we run to find the others. We all find each other. But so have the zombies. They are flooding through the main entrance and over the walls. Everything else is blocked, the first thing I see is...

"Guys, the Ferris wheel!" I yell.

"Good idea! Everybody hurry, the zombies are moving in!" Jess adds. We all rush towards the massive Ferris wheel. Jess hits the big green button and that starts up the Ferris wheel. We all jump in a carriage and go high into the air. What I see takes my breath away, and not in a good way.

There are zombies everywhere! "Guys this isn't good!" I yell. We need the ride to stop, we are almost at the top! "Hey guys, who has really good aim?" I ask

"I do," Josh replies "Even though I have one hand I'm still really good at hitting a target," Josh says. I nod and hand him a can of baked beans.

"Try and hit the big green button, that should stop the ride, we can get better aim from this angle!" I say yelling over the loud music. Josh takes the can from my hand and aims it at the green button on the control panel. He releases the can and just as we reach the top the ride stops. The can hits the button and the ride has stops.

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