Cinderella Didn't Run

Start from the beginning

         "She can't ask us herself?" Russia laughed, wiping a tear from his eye.

         "China beat me to the punch," she explained with a sweet smile, "I'll assume you're doing well then, according to your snickers and Japan's starry eyed look."

Said Country had stood, wearing her own Kimono, the dusty pink like fallen Cherry Blossoms. She was able to get Alaska to step away from the other Country as she examined the work done. The seams were flawless, design made to fit her and her alone, and the colors were stunning.

         "Blue, for ascendance, and Gold, for wealth and value," China stated proudly, "A perfect combination."

         "I dhought it just matched her fy-ag," Russia stated, taking along pull from the champagne bottle, much to Germany's disagreement.

         "Not everything simply means what's obvious," the man rolled his eyes.

         "Don't get all philosophical on us," Japan twittered, "You'll put them to sleep."

Alaska laughed, earning all four's attention as they smiled soft smiles. Her laugh was so sweet, like hot cocoa on a chilly winter's day, or a bright fire lighting up the room as you read a book. They wanted to hear it more often.

         "Forgive me China, I shouldn't laugh."

         "It's quite alright, my dear," he nodded his head slowly, glaring at Japan as she squealed, "It was a simple poke of fun anyway."

     The night continued on, Alaska having the time of her life as she mingled with other Countries. North Korea had taken quite the disliking of her, only coming because South Korea wouldn't stop pestering him, but the southern half seemed to like the State well enough. Saudi Arabia, despite his original vote to help the poor State, also disliked her, all because she claimed that she didn't want the oil he would have happily supplied. Of course she said it was a possibility for the future, but until then, he was an rival. She spoke with her adoptive grandfather, U.K. who simply adored her, but one question he just had to ask:

         "Why not wear one of your own ensembles?" he questioned, "I'm sure your people have many elegant designs."

         "Any elegance in our designs are ceremonial only," she explained, "unfortunately once I was adopted by America, and during my time beneath Russian Empire, most of my traditions were lost, along with such ensembles. That, and I'm afraid I didn't have anything fit for a formal gathering."

France felt her fashion sense tingle, tracking it all the way to her husband and Alaska. She greeted the State with a smile.

         "Oh how lovely you've grown," she cooed, "give me a turn, dearie."

She sighed at the elegant silk that adorned the woman.

         "Parfaite***," she giggled, "You must tell me, what designer created your flag? It's so simple yet elegant, matches you perfectly!"

         "No designer created it," Alaska shook her head, a soft smile becoming an amused one at France's confused expression, "Before I became a State there was a territory wide contest, for the children."

         "A child designed it?" France gasped, what a turn of events in her world.

         "A young Native boy named Benny Benson, he was 13," Alaska smiled, remembering that loved day, "His was chosen over 700 other participants. I memorized his description by heart:

'The blue is for the Alaska sky and the Forget-me-not, an Alaskan flower. The Northern Star is for the future state of Alaska, the most northerly in the union. The Dipper is for the Great Bear--symbolizing strength.' "

Alaska wiped away a tear, still smiling.

         "He was given to an orphanage after his mother died, so he depicted me as the prettiest thing he saw before going to bed each night, Ursa Major and the North Star. He was so excited when he met me in person. We were fast friends from then on."

France and U.K. looked to each other, then back up to the taller woman, each with a pained expression. Such irony littered in her past... A simple flower... Yet it described her future as well. Becoming a State... and her strength compares to no other it seems.

         "Pauvre cher *'..." France sighed, wiping away the last tear with her hankerchief, "Come, let us have some drinks," she suggested, and offered the State some champagne, but she declined, enjoying a simple sparkling cider.


*Baka - fool (Japanese)

**Ni hao - good day (Chinese)

***Parfaite - Perfect (French)

*' Pauvre cher - you poor dear (French)

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