"Thank you.....Thank you Dazai....I love you..so much..."

I...love you? 

Dazai sighed as he continued walking, how could he forget that memory? But for some reason...her words that lingered in his mind...

Made his heart skip a beat...

-(7 Hours Later)-

-(Somewhere In Yokohama)-

"Cold...too damn cold." Dazai muttered, as he started making his way home. People glancing at him as he passed, but of course their stares meant nothing to him. He turned a corner near a bunch of shops and stopped at the sound of a familiar voice.

"It's fine! I'm glad that you were able to find him!" 

Dazai stopped and couldn't help but be surprised by who he saw. (Y/N) was standing there talking to an elderly woman. She bowed to her one last time before walking away. The moment she turned to the right she instantly spotted Dazai, a smile appearing on her face. She ran up to him and patted him on the shoulder.


"What're you doing out here?" Dazai asked, mesmerized by her smile.

"I was supposed to be shopping-but I ended up helping a lady find her dog, which we did!" 

"....You can be so weird sometimes..." 

"Huh?! No I'm not!" She pouted, "If anything you're the weirder one." She teased.

"Mhm, you can think that Mooncake~" Dazai grinned, as he continued walking.

"Hey that was sarcasm-and stop calling me that!" She yelled, running after him. When she finally caught up to him however, she noticed that something seemed off about Dazai.

"Hey...you good Dazai?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?"

"W-well you just seemed-," all of a sudden a ringing sound could be heard from Dazai's pocket. He grumbled as he grabbed his phone and answered the call.

"Hello?....Ew Chuuya what're you calling me for....and I should care because?....Oh good for you, hope you grow before you come home....Yeah bye." 

"Uh....what was that about?"

"Chuuya's gonna be home late. The boss gave him more work then he signed up for."

"Ah..I see." 

There was a silence now as the two of them walked home together. (Y/N) would occasionally glance at Dazai, half expecting him to do something that could give her a clue as to why she felt this unease around him...

But it never happened..

"Ah, home sweet home~" Dazai smiled, as he opened the door and made his way towards the couch. (Y/N) closed the door behind her and placed her coat on the rack behind her.



"You know that...you can tell me anything right?"

"......" Dazai stretched before standing back up, his face hidden from (Y/N)'s view.


"Actually (Y/N) something has been bothering me." He clenched his hands into a fist, before turning towards her.

"O-Oh really?"

He started walking towards her, "My whole life I was told...that I was better off dead. Lost in a battle field...missing from the world...with no one to love." (Y/N) slowly backed away and ended up backing up into a wall behind her. 

"But...then I realized something today...," He was now standing in front of (Y/N) now, "someone has told me..that they loved me."

"R-Really?" Her heart started beating faster and faster in her chest. For some reason...she felt that she was missing something..

"I'm sure they don't even remember that they said it to me....but to me...it meant so much. This person in fact means so much to me. Their voice and expressions...laugh and smile....everything about them I cannot help but...find interesting." He leaned closer to her. He was so close (Y/N) could feel his breath on her cheek.

"S-So...what's wrong? What's bothering you?" She whispered, not knowing why she even asked.

"......I wonder that too." He placed a hand on her cheek, staring into her eyes. "It's as if....I'm mad at them. Not for being so perfect...or beautiful...but for the fact that they don't know that I feel this way..."

He moved slowly closer to her, (Y/N)'s hands on his chest now.

"Oh..." was all (Y/N) could say. She looked away from him now, not wanting him to see her flushed face.



"Look at me..."

"H-Huh? Why do I-,"

"Please...look at me." (Y/N) was shocked by how desperate he sounded at this moment. She slowly turned towards him and instantly wished she didn't. Dazai looked so...sad...empty.....but yet the sparkle in his eyes made it look as if he wanted nothing more then to say what he wanted to say next.




But he stopped, biting his lip he slowly backed away from her. (Y/N) watched as he made his way towards the kitchen and grabbed a bag of chips. "Forget it...I'm going to sleep. Good night." Then just like that Dazai took the chips with him into his room and closed the door behind him. Only until he was out of view did (Y/N) fall to the ground, clutching her chest.

"T-That bastard! Doing something like that!" She whispered to herself, trying to calm her fast beating heart.

"Someone told him...they love him?" (Y/N) tried to rack her brain, trying to remember who could be the person Dazai is talking about. But she had sadly reached to no answer.

"UGH-and why did he have to tell me like that?! Making it like I-," then she stopped. A sound could be heard outside...

She glanced outside and noticed it was....raining...

"Thank you......Thank you Dazai....I love you....so much."

She covered her mouth, not wanting Dazai to hear her gasping. Her face immediately turned back to the scarlett color it was earlier when Dazai was talking to her.

"It's as if I'm mad at them....not for being so perfect....or beautiful....but for the fact that they don't know I feel this way.."

".....I'm such an idiot..." she whispered, covering her face with her hand.

How could she not notice?! Dazai was always kind and different around her! Treating her with the utmost respect...

Caring about her deeply...

 How could she not notice?!

That Dazai...had felt this way about her?


(Thanks for reading!! I'm super excited to write the next few chaps honestly hehe. Old chap that got remade! Have a good rest of your day/evening!! Bye bye!!)

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