Dealing with Her

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(It's the middle of the night when Izuku finally is let go last time he asked Himiko to follow him but put a blindfold on her so that way she wouldn't know where they are going)

Himiko: "Izuku where are we
going we've been walking for a while now and was it necessary for you to blindfold me."

Izuku: "Shhh just keep quiet, ok once we get where we need to go I'll take it off ok I promise."

Himiko: "Ok fine but only cause I love you."

Izuku: "Could you stop saying that please how could you even love me you don't know me."

Himiko: "Oh but it's quite the opposite I know everything. I know that your birthday is July 15th, I know that you are 5'5, I know that you are 16 years old same age as me btw, and I also know that your blood type is O."

(Izuku stopped dead in his tracks in complete shock)

Izuku: "H-how do you know all these things about me I don't even know my own blood type."

Himiko: "Well I wanted to get to know the man that I fell in love with of course."

Izuku: "W-whatever lets just keep going ok."

Himiko: "Are we there yet my feet hurt Izuku."

Izuku: "Just a couple of more steps ok we just have to head inside and upstairs ok but be quiet."

Himiko: "Yay ok I'm excited to see your room again properly this time."

(Izuku once again stunned he stopped dead in his tracks he never even mentioned once were they were going yet she already knew)

Izuku: "H-how did you know"

Himiko: "Hehe silly I know exactly how many steps it is from your house from my little base I took you to its 1,526 steps to be exact."

Izuku: *sigh* "Right I should have known lemme take the blindfold off"

Himiko: "No leave it on I kinda like it, it helps me notice your touch when you guide me and how your heart races every time you accidentally touch me."

Izuku: *blushing* "I-I'm taking the blindfold off, look here you go this is my room"

Himiko: *exhale* "This is nice I've never had my own room before your room looks nice Izuku you have a nice soft bed too it's really sturdy too but we can change that just one of the perks you get when dating me you know you want to."

Izuku: *blushes* "Look we are gonna be together none of that type of stuff will be happening ok, the first thing that needs to happen is you need to change your ways that mean no killing or stealing others blood got it."

Himiko: "Whaaaaat but that's all the fun stuff, that's no fair what am I supposed to do then."

Izuku: "You are supposed to behave once I believe you are capable of good or change maybe just maybe I can consider the offer you've given."
Himiko: *smiling* "Really you mean it ok you have a deal I'll be the best girl you've ever seen I'll be such a good girl that you wouldn't even know that I was a villain."

Izuku: ( Oh boy what have I gotten myself into)

A/n: That is the end of chapter 2 I hope you all enjoyed comment any fixes I can make.

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