Chapter 1

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The only thought left over in your mind as you drifted into the dark, concealing, yet comforting embrass of failure was;
"Well fuck me sideways and call me a monkey's unkle"
You didnt expect the words to flow from your cold, smooth lips, settling on your tounge contently. However, it did allow reality to hit you like a kick to your giblets, the ground seeming to swallow you whole.
You felt as if you were falling, red lights and dirt moving past you as high speeds as you fell deep withen the earth's core
Suddenly you are blinded, buildings now passing you by as the ground came near.
You let out a heart renching screatch, twisting your body so that you faced the ground, ready to use your limbs in an attempt to absorb most of the fall.
Your eyes squeezed shut as you waited for the worst, however the entrenching feeling of your organs attempting to leave you settled and you no longer felt like you were falling.
You slowly opened your suposed eyes, gasping in shock at finding yourself hovering above the ground, as if you were sprinkled with pixie dust from peterpan and his fairy.
You felt your spinning mind slow as you began to regret drinking a bit more wine than usual.
Your gaze drifted up and around you, your eyes catching on the pentagram in the place of what you could only think of as the north star. Despite not being a fan of witchcraft, you still found the way the symbol sparkled against the blood red background intreaging.
You let your eyeris drift along the deep red of the voided sky and down the not so great buildings, until you layed eyes on the citizens.
Your mind buzed in immediate fear as you rather quickly darted behind a post, watching as untamed beasts roamed about, their eyes holding a vicious need of desires unknown to you.
You were scared and confused, your poor mind racking as to were you were and what was happening. That is until it hit you.
You were in hell.
You almost tried to brush the thought away, but you couldnt. It made sence as to why the sky and people? are the way they are. However, you thought of it as impossible, I mean, you've done some horrible things throughout your life, however your mother always told you you would be forgiven.
Your mother, oh how much you wanted your mother. You quite literally wanted to go crying to your mom. She would know what was happening, she would help you. However, you knew even if your mother was dead, she wouldn't be in hell, she'd be in heaven with Sam Kinison and Elvis Presley, enjoying her afterlife.
Your body reacts on its own, nearly slithering in a motion similar to what you used when swimming. You slowly moved from behind the post, startled by the little jingle of a bell, like that of the collar you always wore.
You slowly made your way to the window of a shop, nearly passing out at the sight of yourself.
You were even more of a beast than the ones that roamed the streets around you.
Inplace of your head was the skull of a mountain goat, accessorized with the large, curved ram horns and even two little devil horns between them. However, instead of your usual, livley blue eyes you only had one large one, or should I say eyesocket.
Your actual eye was the swirling color of rainbow and seemingly floating pupil in the middle, thin as a cat's pupil.
You didn't have a bottom jaw, instead your gums and bottom lip moved down your neck and into your cleavage, rows of sharp fangs following them.
Your ribs poked out of your thin layer of chest fur, the ends nearly meeting eachother in the middle of your chest.
Your stomach was almost unnervingly thin, almost to your spine.
Your arms were freakishly long, your arms getting thicker until it reaches your large hands. You only had two large clawed fingures and a tiny one on your wrist, the tips of whitch were splashed with black freckles.
Inplace of your legs was a long tail, almost like that of a mermain, however the end was a dolphins and before that was several types of fins. Your entire coloring was nearly monotone, the tips of your limbs being a bright and shiny silver, slowly fading into a blue, then purple, then black, and in a long line from your chest to your tail was a faded line of red furr.
You couldn't believe it, you were some kind of freakish being, that of whitch seemed to also catch the attention of others on the streat who gave you desgusted looks.
What the fuck is going on?

《Word count- 808》
I don't know were this is going, but I'm gonna try my best not to make this book as bad as my others, also here is a sketch as to what you look like as of now.

《Word count- 808》 I don't know were this is going, but I'm gonna try my best not to make this book as bad as my others, also here is a sketch as to what you look like as of now

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