necklace means something

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Season 7 Tyler brought Jody a necklace from him and he was figuring out whether she would like it or not to take a risk or not

The scene was simple but sweet as Tyler in the end of his episode gave Jody the necklace

Jody never took the necklace off and when she was worried about something that necklace she would tug on it to show her worries.

So when Jody lost it she was panicking to tell Tyler because she didn't want to hurt his feelings like she didn't care which she says on the scene when explaining that the necklace means so much to her because it came from Tyler it's a symbol of how much they like eachother how much they care for eachother how much they believe they had something special to come to in the future ❤️

Although Tyler was sad when Jody did lose it he helped her find it in the end and they make up

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