Enemy Of Carmen

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When they both arrived in Elm Tree House they both were centered the enemy of Carmen howel

Tyler - when Carmen and sapphire were put in the care home called burnywood she encountered Tyler. She was the person Tyler would prank not knowing how bad his pranks were towards her. So when he arrived in Elm Tree with Rick and the other kids Carmen sworn to make him pay. She did just that by destroying the only bits of treasures to remind him of his mum.

With jody Carmen was trying to help get lily to have the spare bed in her room when on restbite but, that would all change for Carmen when a wild dirty scared jody arrived and was informed she was her roomate Carmen made it obvious she didn't like jody because she was unhygienic and cause jody had unknowingly (and unplanned) messed up her plans Carmen even recruits Electra to help take care of her Electra then locks jody in the toy cupboard (which Jody's fear is feeling trapped) and when jody returns and Carmen had snitch on elektra she frames jody for wrecking Carmen's things but in the end the two make up and start again jody though having past fears is given her own room in the end.

Both end up good friends with Carmen when she leaves Carmen and Jody being quite similar people.

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