71.Trying To Escape Reality

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Both jody and Tyler are in synch with one another not only when the two are together or when they are apart but even in their dreams they relate to eachother

They both have gone through that path of wanting to escape from the real world wanting to run away to a place of their imagination

Jody's place to run away to was wonderland having said so in her I am video a good book can help you escape from the real world and issues your facing even for a little while jody being scared about giving a statement against Kingsley.

Tyler's imagination is escaping to a desert island where he can run away from well growing up and  from his fears.... One very important reason in mind which is for its own chapter reason 🤷

They both end up realising they can't stay in their imaginative worlds and both end up facing their fears for jody even if it meant her mum not speaking to her for Tyler it meant... We all knew it all along we just needed you to admit it...

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