Always Jody

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Whenever Tyler has something planned that could need a two partner on

He turns to his best friend every time

S1 first episode he and Jody go on a mission to find Gina's secret tin of chocolate biscuits having her be his lookout

S1 When thinking he wants to get fostered he first recruits jodys help in making him look cute jody then gets Tee involved tee at first puts a bow on his shirt but jody takes it off and Tyler goes with jodys on the no bow

S1 - When trying to scam Rick during the episode of the truth is out there he quickly gets jody as his assistant in the scams at first having her demonstrate the card trick which Rick figures out very quickly and even praises jody on her role but still couldn't get it right. He then has her stage a break of a old antique from the cupboard which Rick again knows it's part of Tyler's scam.

S2 episode 1 once Bailey calls Tyler fat he ends up deciding to go on a diet 😁
He has jody help him with the calories full from the junk food when floss and Harry ask for some jody tells them its Tyler's sweet stuff to which Tyler ends up handing her a chocolate biscuit in front of the younger kids which results in the two taking the box and eating Tyler's sweet stuff along with mai Lees Input in the box.

Tyler chooses jody to be his campaign manger believing she's the best one to help him win even when she's not really sure he believes she will be a great manager. He's right to when he's about to give up she reminds him that she believes he can do anything if he tries. In the end he manages to win the vote.

Season 5 episode 2 - after making the team up of him jody chloe and Billie and after standing their for hours and now crime Tyler decides they should create their own danger to which he exclaims "ill be the baddy and Jody can be my victim" which jody tuts typical

Because he'd always pick her to be the opposite to him. Even with Billie and chloe to choose from is still jody.

S5 ep 9
Tyler calls jody to meet him so that they can check out Ralph's Garden again with Ralph even commenting on the two Tyler Lewis looks like your ready to take on those bullies then with back up too. The pair glance at each other grin then go back to why they are there.

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