Maturity With Kingsley

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Back in season 1 our little Tyler also was scared of Jody's brother Kingsley when him and Carmen encountered him. Especially after he locks them both in with jody in SOS Tyler is torn between trying to rescue his friend or rescue himself

We won't say anything

To right you won't if you breath a word of this to the council or any of your lot down that children's home she gets it

When jody tells them both to leave and carmen tells him they were not leaving Tyler tells her no we are not staying

Episode 20 season 4 and Jody had given Kingsley another chance and shut Tyler and the others out

Tyler is more scared about the fact jody is inside the burning building and Kingsley does nothing but runs away.

After being check out by the paramedics and given the all clear Tyler admits to jody what he knew Kingsley had done during her being trapped in the burning building.

And when jody confronts him Tyler is right by her side

Your fine now aren't ya

Yeah no thanks to you

"Shut up you"

Although he does his main focus is being their for jody. Tyler's not torn now and his loyalty with jody shines in season 4. There is this Stair down at the end of the Scene with Tyler and Kingsley it's powerful because both Tyler and Jody are both shown to be unafraid of him anymore.

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