80. Emotion Connection

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Like seriously these two mess with my heart

If it's a happy jyler moment I'm a mess

If it's a heartwrenching jyler moment I'm a mess

Either way I'm a complete mess and I break the rewind button unless it's a sad jyler moment then I'm mentally curled up in a ball crying (tears in my eyes proper with the most heartbreaking dumping ground scene ever I don't care Ill admit it that table scene in what lies beneath broke me 😭

Anyway back to jylers emotions....

When the other is happy they are happy 😃

When the other is full of laughter the other laughs 😁

When the others is scared the other is also scared but tries to be brave for the two. 😦

When the other is mad they too share that emotion... Even if it is sometimes at eachother😣

When the other is brokenhearted the other is feeling that same emotion 💔

And when Ones in love.... 😘😍

Ohhh 20 more reasons to go...

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