40.Ryan Doesn't Even Need To Ask

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Season 5 episode 3 one giant leap in the episode Ryan misunderstands Mike and May Li talking about one having to go when he tells the others they all put it bluntly don't want to leave the house even after gathering everyone on the sofa which...

Season 5 episode 3 one giant leap in the episode Ryan misunderstands Mike and May Li talking about one having to go when he tells the others they all put it bluntly don't want to leave the house even after gathering everyone on the sofa which

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These two are pretty cute...

Later in the episode although jody tells chloe she wasn't voting Ryan had convinced Tyler but in the episode you here Ryan go to everyone about people in the house from floss with finn the twins kazima and sasha. He doesn't even bring up a possiblity with Tyler about him and Jody he doesn't need to because Ryan knows that he doesn't need to go there with Tyler
We later see the two together and it looks clear that its Joseph

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