110. Value Ones Opinions

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110 they both value and respect the others Opinion

These two have been through alot and a main factor for both of them is what i feel makes them strong as a pair

Is they both know that when they needed it whether it's hard to hear or not is they will both be honest with the other person if they do or if they don't like something that the others doing

They value eachothers opinion still up to this season

Tyler with the Utopia episode after seeing he's messed up he goes to jody who tells him what he doesn't want to hear but kind of knows it's true once she said it and respected her wish to be left alone for a while. And then later on he goes back to her again and this time the talk is more real she acknowledged he made a mistake but one mistake doesn't mean he changes who he is. And then shows him she believes in him.

Vice versa

Stepping up Tyler does the same

Sitting in a tree this was for jody to express what she felt about the whole everyone talking about them mid way through Tyler gets frustrated with jody because they carried out this plan to get him a girlfriend to clear the rumours knowing he was unsure about it in the first place they then talk and its that scene you see how although it was set by floss and Billie they were able to talk and Jody was able to share what made her freak out.

And again in ryanman

Although the girls tried to help jody the person she really wanted to hear from was Tyler (we will go through that later on in more depth)

it's just how it always has been for them both it's simple for them to be able to share what's bothering them and the other will share with them what they think. Whether it's positive or not they respect their opinion.

That's reason 110 (40 to go)

150 reasons Jyler Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora