115. Same Dream

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Both Tyler and Jody start off with the same dream in mind they both want to be back with theirs mums

Tyler has always mentioned going back to live with his mum since the begining all the way through to the end of season 4

Jody hers is more she wants her mum back in her life so they can start again

Both found it much harder than it would be for them and their mums

Tyler's mum has bipolar and Tyler's fear is her getting sick again or him having it himself. But when he gets the chance to go home the first time he jumps to it and later realises it's not how he pictured it its not mentioned much but in what lies beneath Tyler was told he'd be going back to live with his mum

He was so determined to find the Mr umblebee dodgy

That he shut jody down and the two argued over what mattered most. And he tells her he's doing all this to try and stop us leaving a big leap from season 4b Tyler to season 5b Tyler.

With jody ever since jody gave a witness statement to Kingsley in s1 special her mum disowned jody for this jody has mentioned multiple times after about getting in touch with her mum in her I'm jody video she shared her dream that it was she hoped one day things would be okay again between her and her mum so she could move back there when ready.

In season 6 she managed to get in touch with her mum again her mum managing to have jody listening to her every word making her believe they can be a family a proper family with her new man in the picture. Which all this pressure builds in jody and she shuts out everyone who care about her. After her mum makes things clear for jody how her mum sees her daughter

"I hate you! Your horrible selfish nasty I never wanna see you again get out!"

That summed up to jody after a night on the streets and she once again stood strong and told her mum the truth and that this time jody would be in touch when she's ready.

After that scene jody tells Mike mayli sasha and tyler why she was so insistent on going along with her mums lies.

Tyler tells her you won't be on your own because we will have eachother you idiot.

Tyler seems to have a new dream which after this suggests that jody can have a new dream too... If they both let themselves believe it


Hadn't done a reason in a while so here's another pretty great reason to ship jyler

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