94. Tyler Kissed 😍

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DG Island was an amazing special and not gonna lie it is still currently on my planner on our TV which my parents little brother and sister all know that when ever I've had a day or two not thinking about the dumping ground or I've been doing a lot of deadlines it's my happy place

And the reason why?

I'm sure we all saw one kiss coming because of the trailer showed us... But OMG he kisses her twice and the first one I was so not ready for and fir some reason I have a feeling if they do which I'm hoping they do.... It will be so surprising and wouldn't it be even better if our jody made the first move considering Tyler's tried to kiss her once out of the dream in sitting in a tree and we all know he wants to kiss her again 😍 😄 😚

It's so cute when he wakes up and he's like off course it was a dream you idiot then as he remembered what happens he realises he kissed jody and its not a oh xxxx I kissed Jody it was more okay I now know what I've been running away from and my actual... Big Fear isn't getting ill but something far more precious

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