53. The Two Speechless

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Even one episode characters know about Jyler


Season 5 episode 9 while doing work experience at high bridges radio station Tyler meets Ralph an old harmless man who tells Tyler he has a story for him conspiracy theory's 😉

Ralph tells Tyler noone is listening to him about kids vandilising his house so instead of doing what he's meant to do on his work placement Tyler calls jody. Tyler only goes to jody about the things with Ralph from the two working out that the council who are trying to make Ralph move are the ones in cahoots with the radio station to the two going to Ralph's house together for evidence. To jody showing Tyler how nice the houses are.

So, when Tyler calls jody to meet him they go to Ralph's place together and Jody also reminding Tyler that he will be in big trouble with his boss they come to Ralph's house Tyler knocks on the door and Ralph greets Tyler quickly notices jody with him

Ah there he is with back up too

there is this moment between the pair where they both glance at eachother they both go all shy and nervous with eachother but actually move a little closer together than they were before

I think for Ralph it's more him remembering his love when they were young but could also see something within the pair

At the end of the episode the yp all have gathered round the radio to listen to Tyler jody and sasha right up close and you can see how happy and proud she is of Tyler for getting the gig

At the end of the episode the yp all have gathered round the radio to listen to Tyler jody and sasha right up close and you can see how happy and proud she is of Tyler for getting the gig

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