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We entered a shop and sat down at a table we ordered food and ate,I had chicken nuggets fries and an oreo mcflurry,I ate all my food then I stole some of anthony's fries.After food we all went back into the van and drove to my house.

At my house

I quickly got out the car and rang the bell,my dad opened the door and he pulled me into a hug.
Dad:my princes,i was so worried I missed you.
Y/n:I missed you too dad
He kissed my forehead and I invited me and the boys into the house,my mum was sat on the couch and when she saw me she ran to me and hugged me
Mum:oh my god,my baby's back

I said as my voice broke she hugged me tighter as I started crying.
Y/n:mumma am so sorry

Mum:its okay baby,its okay but you should probably go check on mervin he was balling his eyes out yesterday.
As my mum said that I saw mervin ran down the stairs.

Mervin:Y/N!he yelled my name as his voice broke,it broke me because he was crying,and his eyes were so puffy and red.

Y/n:Oh MERVIN I said and cried and I and I ran into his open arms, I jumped onto him wrapping my legs around him,I cried as he hugged me tighter.
Mervin:am so sorry,am so sorry,am so sorry,am so sorry
Y/n:No, I should be sorry mervin

Mervin:shot,my eyes

Y/n:it's called crying bro
I made him laugh and i giggled as he put me down,we walked towards everyone else and the boys looked so shocked.
Chase:I've never seen Mervin cry


Josh:yeah weve actually never seen you cry bro

Mervin:ahaha that's because,I never cry for other things,this girl is probably the only human I'll cry for.
Mervin said as he pointed at me.

Payton:I've never seen a brother and sister bond like that before,I wish I had that.

Mum:I feel like the luckiest mum right now
Everyone laughed
Mervin:were is your phone y/n?
Y/n:oh,its gone to PH
Me and mervin had the thing called PH-which was short for phone heaven and then we had different ways of how our phones went to phone heaven and we called them roads,kinda like different roads to heaven,ya know.
1st road:Dropped in water
2nd road:phone taken away
3rd road:lost
4th road:gets fried
5th road:gets stomped on
6th road:run over by car
7th road:broken by rock
8th road:accidentally
9th road:phone prank
10throad:lost in a different country


Y/n:5th road

Mervin:oh,at least it not the 1st or 10th road.

Y/n:or the seventh

Mervin:oh ya the that one's bad
We looked around and everyone looked at us weirdly.
Jaden:care to tell us what PH is and what the heck it 5th road and seventh road or something

Me and mervin looked at each other then back at the boys and shook our heads singling no.
Y/n:sorry,it been a secret for our whole lives.
Dad:don't worry jaden,even we don't know what it is,but it gets weirder

Mum:ya,they have codes


Mum:ya,like code red or code blue code purple,green ,any colour,oh and they like using code yellow

Code yellow stands for I Iove you weather the sun shines or not,i thought to myself and i had memories.


Y/n:code black will be I miss/missed you

Mervin:yeah and then code yellow will stand for I love you

Y/n:why yellow why not red?

Mervin:because the colour of the sun is yellow so it will also mean, I love you weather the sun shines or not

Y/n:oh okay...mervin


Y/n:code yellow

Mervin:code yellow you too

End of memory



Mervin:code yellow

Y/n:code yellow-black

Mervin:code black you too
We both laughed as we saw the looks on everyone's faces.
Y/n:mum,am so tired.....nevermind am not anymore mum can sasha come over?

Mum:yes,your moods are changing

Mervin:has she been like this all day?

Anthony:yeah she has

Mervin:oh,she's gonna start it soon

Anthony:what's "it"

Mervin:her p... you know

Anthony:I dont get it

Merhin:her perio-Anthony cut him off
Anthony:oh oh oh okay I know what your talking about

Josh:oh those,she so complicated on those days

Anthony:how do you know?

Josh:weve dated dumbass

Anthony:oh yeah,who did you call for help?

Josh:I called mervin

Anthony:bruh,mervin how you know what she needs?
Mervin:shes my sister,I just...i dont how to explain it,I just know what to do.

Y/n:can we please stop talking about..."it" i said as I qouted the it part with my fingers.

Anthony:but I wanna know,go away if you don't wanna hear it.

Y/n:am not moving...am gonna go shower I said and I walked of upstairs.
I went to the bathroom and,I saw that I had started my period,I went and checked that I ran out of pads so I  shouted out loud:

Mervin:YEAH,WAIT IS IT CODE PINK(code pink = need pads)



I checked in the store room and found another pack of pads


mervin:NO PROBLEM,CODE GREEN?(code green = need help)



Chase:guys we need to figure out what these codes are

Jaden:we do,am so frickin curious

I had a shower and changed into some  sweats and a sweat shirt,everyone hangout,even my parents hang with   us us we watched stranger thi gd,sasha then joined us and we all had fun.Everyone then had to go home and I went to bed.

JR|Brothers Bestfriend|✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang