~This is the longest chapter in the whole book~

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This chapter is 3000+ words,it's really really long so,ya get ready...
Josh's pov:

Me and the boys landed and quickly rushed to y/n's house.We knocked on the door and y/he's mum opened it and she looked like she had been crying,she let us in and told us that they had the police looking around for y/n but they didnt know her exact location,we told her about the abandoned factory and the boys all decided to go there with no police escort.

Y/n's pov:
I woke up and my head was bagging and bagging,I had a huge head ache and it kept on banging and banging,I looked to my left and nessa lay there still sleeping.I tried to get out of the ropes I had been tied in but there was no use.Then I remembered the bracket I had on had a sharp side to it,so I sat up and cut the thick ropes,after a while I finally got it,I attached my arms down to my legs and untied them too,I stood up but stumbled a bit.
Now what I thought to myself,I didnt know what are were to go,j looked around the room and found my phone on the ground,I picked it up and quickly called josh.
Josh's pov:
We were al walking to the abandoned place when I got a call from patience I quickly answered:
Everyone turned and looked at me as I was on the phone.

Y/n:oh my god,josh I-I got kidnapped by j-Jackson's brother-he will sell me-uma be a slave.caden took me- I dont know were I am

Josh:look around are there any signs or symbols

Y/n:umm,how bout wood,there is tree sighns,i-i oh shit I hear someone coming

Josh:shot shot shot!ah am hide or dont get caught

????:dont get caught doing what a voice on the other line said

Josh:whever this is and if you have y/n,leave her let her go because we fill find you!

????:good luck finding your little worthless brat


????:good bye,nice talk

Josh:guys,she's been caught,well shes was kidnapped by Jackson's older brother then she said something about selling her and being a slave,we need to hurry because I think they might be leaving now.

We all started running towards the factory and when we arrived we saw a muscular looking man push y/n into a black van and they drove off,i tried running after it but it was already far off.

Y/n's pov:

Oh shot,I had been caught and caden looked angry at me,he threw my phone down and smashed it with his foot,by stepping on it.He grabbed my wrist very hard and pulled me outside,he yanked me and pushed me into the van.

Y/n:you left nessa

Caden:Shut up,driver DRIVE!!
The driver hit the gas and we went off,in the corner of my eye I saw the boys but I thought I was just imagining it since they were all the way in la,right?
Caden didnt blindfolded me which was a bad idea since I could memorize the way back,I kept on looking at the road.
My  thoughts
Left,straight till tilted tree right till the lights,roundabout straight, left next right then chip shop turn left straight right.
Left,straight till tilted tree right till the lights,roundabout straight, left next right then chip shop turn left straight right.
Left,straight till tilted tree right till the lights,roundabout straight, left next right then chip shop turn left straight right.

I kept on repeating so I wouldn't forget the way.We stopped and arrived at this club that had palm trees and water fall signs,Caden pulled and pushed me out the car and I fell onto the floor because my weak body couldn't take on his strength.He pulled me up from the floor and dragged me inside.

Josh's pov:
We saw the van drive off but I didnt lose hope,I walked around trying to find something that could help us.

Anthony:what are you doing?

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