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I slowly opened my eyes and I was in the bathroom still laying on the floor.
I slowly sat up and my head was pounding,I slowly stood up and held on to the sink as I looked up into the mirror to see my messy hair and puffy eyes.

I rinsed my face and took some deep breaths before I walked over to the door and got out everyone was sat in the lounge and I went back upstairs and changed into my swimming costume then walked back downstairs with my towel and walked to the garden.

Nessa:what are you doing?

Me:going to the hot tub

Nessa:well we need to talk about your post and stuff

Me:look nessa,it hurts okay.this drama is so stupid are you seriously getting mad over a stupid post that I could delete in a second?

Nessa:well I-I-

Me:I'll stay out of everyone's way,I'll even move out! just-am really fragile right now and just need to be alone,if it's an apology your looking for...am sorry.

I then walked away leaving her defeated and I went out to the garden and sat in the hot tub and relaxed.
About 20 mins later,I saw everyone entering in.


Silence filled the air as I looked at the water.

Everyone:were sorry

I said still looking at the water.

Nessa:"k."Is that all your gonna say

Charli:nessa actually stop now

Nessa:no because we-

Jaden:just accept her answer and move on

Anthony:yea,just leave it,its fine


Sasha:no nessa's right cause we apologised and all she says is k.like wtf?

Dixie:so what?

Avani:can we just accept her answer and move on

Nessa:no cause blah blah blah
They then started arguing which is something I was trying to stay away from,I was so tired of everything that I just gave up and i dipped myself into the water without anyone noticing and i stayed there,i dont want to be here anymore.i should just die.
I was moments away from losing my breath and the voices got quite as I closed my eyes and blanked out.

silence filled my ears until...

I gasped as I sat up and I started to cough out water,i was so scared.
I coughed and gasped for air as my version was getting better and I saw a josh with lots of people surrounding me,they looked like they were crying.

Charli:dont ever do that
She said as she pulled me into a very tight hug.

I cried in her arms as we cried together,ill never ever do that. Thats a lie

The night was a weird one but we all got changed and watched a movie as we ate popcorn,everyone was taking special care of me which I didnt mind but I kinda wanted to be treated normally.

I decided to call my mum since I hadn't talked to her in a while.

Me:hey mum

Mum:hi baby,hows life

Me:not the best but uh,am attending a dance studio thingy

Mum:really! Oh how you loved dancing


Mum:when you were little like about 3 I signed you up for dance and you were amazing,you just coudnt stop dancing in your little pink tutu with your little pink shoes.you danced until you were 10 I think,mervin was always the first person to clap when you had finished a performance,he was a proud big brother.

Me:really?,I dont remember

Mum:y-you uh,you had an a-accident and fell-badly and some of your memory was wiped.but hey! At least your back in dance.how is it?

Me:its good,but um,I just wanted to talk to you and say hi

Mum:thanku honey,I miss you

Me:me too mum,i love you

Mum:i love you too, the Richard's are coming over in a few minutes and I have to start making dinner.

Me:oh okay,say hi to lil will for me

Mum:no problem,bye honey

Me:bye mum
I ended the call and felt a warm feeling in my heart.

I got up and started off the day,I made a tiktok with everyone to show that we were friends again.We then ordered taco bell and about 5mins after I ate,I ran to the bathroom and vomited.

I felt my hair be lifted out of my face and I just thought it was like one of the girls.

Me:okay toca bell is great but-am never having it again
I said flushing the toilet as josh chuckled.


Josh:ye,the one and only
He did that thing were he stroked his chin while he bit his lip and I giggled.

Josh:you okay tho

Me:yea,thnx tho

Josh:no problem
We stared into eachothers eyes but quickly looked away

Me:well uh-uma go to my dance class

Josh:oh that company thingy?
He said running his hand throw his hair which was so damn attractive.

Me:yeah,s-see you later
I said looking at him then back at the floor acting shy.

Josh:yea l-later
I walked out then got prepared and went to the dance studio all hyped and shi.




Me:can you forget how to dance?

Lusy:hmm,well it depends how long but.i believe that you cant,and I think you must have definitely done dance.

Me:I-I uh.i did actually

Lusy:I knew it,c'mon let's see what you can still do.

Me:oh okay.
We then did some leaps,turns,jumps and shat and..i could dance again,I was so happy I could feel my self glowing.


I got home tired but happy and then I saw josh and nessa making out on the couch and my happiness disappeared,I sadly walked up stairs to my room as all my feelings came back,all my emotions of sadness shoot back and hit me with a blow that sent me to the bathroom because I felt a headache coming on.

then pain was extreme and I felt like my head was going to explode,I reached.for the medicine cabinet and got as many pills as possible for the headache to go away.Desperatetly,I pored the hole run into my mouth and swallowed them down with water,and i tried to walk downstairs as I grabbed anything to keep me steady,I then went to see Charlie making the I have these lucid dreams-with the cursor sound and that's when I realised my self shaking,my mind took control and I client move except form shake,and just like that I fell to the floor and I experienced a seizure.

Charli:y/n,your such a show off

Addison:I swear that was so good,teach me

Charli:okay,you can stop now


Charli:GUYS HELP!!


Roses are red

Violets are blue

They thought it was an act

Now they really,feel like fools

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