f o r t y t w o: The Reveal

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        The weekend passed by far too quickly yet much too slowly at the same time. I spent my whole weekend reading the books I checked out from the library on Friday, soaking up all the information that I could get. However, I had yet to come up with an actual plan to stop my mystery note-leaver, but that was definitely my next step. 

Roman had texted me on Saturday morning to make sure that I was doing okay, which I greatly appreciated even if it situated an even bigger lump of guilt in the pit of my stomach. I replied with the usual excuse, also telling him that I wouldn't be available for the rest of the weekend because of all the schoolwork I had to get done. I couldn't tell if he was disappointed or not through his response, but I just kept telling myself that this would all be worth it once I caught whoever this was doing this to me. 

The folder had grown substantially over the weekend, but not with notes or pictures. I had taken pages and pages of notes and potentially useful information that I put in the folder with all of my evidence as well. I was carrying it around as if it were my child that I didn't want to get lost, never letting it out of my sight just in case. I also always kept my blinds closed and windows locked at all times. My mother looked at me as if I was insane when I ran around the house closing every single blind and curtain possible, saying how she liked the sunlight that she usually allowed to pour through the windows. I ignored her though, saying that it was too cold outside and you could feel the icy breeze penetrating the windows even from inside. 

Overall, the weekend was productive, but now it was time to get even more productive. This week I was going to catch this person no matter what else tries to get in my way. 

Now, it was Monday and while I usually felt less productive on Mondays, today I was going into overdrive. Instead of listening to the teacher's lecture in all of my classes, I completed my homework for that night so I could focus on crafting a soundproof plan when I got home from practice later. Once again, during lunch, I went straight to the library and worked for the full hour-long period. This time, Roman didn't come after me. 


After school, I made my way down to the track behind the school with a few other girls who were training with me today. They didn't qualify for state, but some of them were still trying to get their times down for next year and coach thought I would be a good influence. 

After changing into my running clothes I took a seat in the grass to the side of the track, focusing on stretching out so I don't pull any muscles. However, just as I was leaning down in a butterfly stretch, movement in the bushes across the track caught my eye. 

Sure, there was plenty of wildlife around this area, but Squirrels and Rabbitts aren't big enough to make a whole bush shake. I squint my eyes, trying to see if I can make out any more movement or if what I saw was just my eyes playing tricks on me. To my dismay though, I don't see anything else so I force myself to get rid of the paranoid thoughts and focus on my running. Running is my future. I needed to stay focused for now. 

For the rest of the practice, I worked my hardest at getting my times down even more. It was a slow but steady process. This past couple of months have really helped me put my all into running. Despite me hating the feeling of being stressed, all of this Roman drama has helped me become a better runner. Obviously, though, I would much rather not have a stalker and would much rather have Brody and Roman in a safe and stable household. 

A hot shower after practice helped me relax a little. Because of all of the stress on my body and mind, I was becoming increasingly exhausted with things that used to not tire me so much. My schedule of school, running, and student council has always been demanding, but never to the point of exhaustion. This year though, after all that has happened with Roman, I'm finding myself exhausted at the end of the day. 

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