e l e v e n: It All Makes Sense

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My mind floods with images of piercing green eyes, and I start to smell the all too familiar scent of the hospital. All I can hear is static in my own head, but I was somewhat awake. So I didn't die after all?

Slowly but surely I start to come to senses with my hearing, the sound of shuffling feet, the beeping of monitors,  and doctor's speaking making it's way to my ears. There was no sound coming from my room, however, there was a sound that came from the distance. Was I alone? I didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment, so I decide to open my eyes in little slits to see if anyone was occupying the room but me so it wouldn't be obvious that I had woken up.

When I slightly open my eyes all I see is a blank wall, so I move my eyes around a little bit. I almost jump when my eyes make out a dark figure slumped in the chair in the corner. I focus more on it and realize who it is. I couldn't see his face, it was hidden by a sweatshirt hood, but there was no denying who it was.

I wasn't expecting him to be here. I thought he would have gone home to avoid getting in trouble with my mom or any doctors, but there he was in the corner.

Roman was wearing a black sweatshirt, and grey sweatpants, his hair a mess which is something I've never seen before. He definitely could pull off this look, but why was he wearing different clothes? Had he gone home and changed then came here, or was it a completely different day? How long was I out for?  How long had he been here?

All of a sudden the door to my room swings open, and my mom walks in. I quickly shut my eyes, wanting to hear what she's gonna say to Roman, wondering if she's gonna yell at him for letting me pass out like that.

I hear her quiet footsteps making their way to Roman before her gentle voice softly speaks, "Roman, honey," I hear him grunt, and shuffle in his seat. I guess he had been asleep and she had just woken him up. 

"You should go home and get some rest, she'll be okay," My mom speaks, not sounding anything close to angry with him. Does she know what happened?

"No," Roman's firm voice sounds. 

"You've been here for almost twenty-four hours, you should go home," My mom tries to reason with him. Wait what?! twenty-four hours...?

"No. I can't. I have to see if she's okay. I need to talk to her when she wakes up," His voice sounds confident, and I can't help but notice the way his voice sounds right after he wakes up. Raspy and groggy all at once.

"But we have no idea how much longer that'll be Roman. It could be a whole another day for all we know," I hear my mom pull out the second chair and sit next to him. 

"I don't care. I'll stay here as long as I need," The way he says this obviously sends my mom the message that there's no proof in trying to get him to leave. He's staying.

"Alright..." she trails off. "Is there anything i can get for you then? Water? Coffee?" she asks nicely.

"No but, thank you, Mrs. Walker," he responds, sounding tired. I found myself feeling guilty that he felt the need to stay this long even though he was the one who got me in here in the first place. 

"Of course. I need to go speak to the doctor," With that being said, I hear my mom stand up and walk out of the room, closing the door behind her. 

I decide now would be a good time to wake up and ask Roman some questions I was dying to know the answer to. Like what happened after I passed out, and why he was still here.

I make a little grunting noise, sounding like a little kitten. I hear Roman turn in his seat. I feel his eyes burning holes into me. I lazily flutter my eyes open, instantly being greeted by his green ones. He immediately stands up, his chair screeching out from under him. We hold eye contact, and for the first time ever, I see a look of pure guilt written all over his face. 

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