t e n: Gone

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The blaring of my alarm going off at six in the morning was not something I liked waking up to on a regular day, but especially not on a day like today. My whole body ached, my nose was so stuffed I couldn't even breathe out of it, and my throat felt like I had just swallowed a cactus.

I knew I was going to end up getting sick all because I left Roman at the diner and walked halfway home in the freezing rain. Of course, it could have been worse if Logan hadn't shown up to drive me the rest of the way.

Even with the thought of it being worse, I still felt like living and breathing death at the moment. I had perfect attendance at school and I wanted more than anything to keep that record going but if I got up and out of bed for school today, I would more than likely pass out.

With this thought in mind, I called out for my mom in a weak raspy voice. I cringed hearing it, I honestly sounded awful.

"Yes, honey?" My mom shouts from downstairs where she was making Casey and I breakfast.

"Can you come here please?" I call back down, resulting in me letting out a wet strangled cough and I wouldn't be surprised if my throat was bleeding at this point. I sit miserably in bed as I wait for my mom to come up the stairs and check on me.

She opens the door and gasps when she sees me before saying, "Oh Tessa are you sick?"

"I think so," I reply, my voice strained. "Here let me check your temperature," She walks over to my bed and presses her hand to my forehead, and almost immediately after she makes contact, her hand retracts.

"Tessa you're burning up!" she wails, upset that her only daughter is sick as hell.

"Yeah, I feel kind of hot," I speak truthfully. My whole body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, but I was too busy complaining about my stuffy nose and aching throat to notice.

My mom rushes out of my room in a hurry, and I hear her feet scurry down the stairs. She was most likely getting me her signature sick care basket that she makes for Casey and me when we're sick. She stocks it full of tissues, medicine, cough drops, bottled water, orange juice, fruit, and our favorite movies. This way if she can't take the time off of work to take care of us herself, we'll have everything we need with us at our bedside.

She really was an amazing mom. She was now a widow with two teenage children, and a full-time job that didn't pay all that well, and yet she still made time for us. A lot of parents go off the deep end if their spouse suddenly dies, and they end up neglecting their children, but not my mom. She persevered through all her pain and made sure Casey and I were okay. She talked to us about our feelings and if we were ever sad she would make it her priority to make sure we felt okay again. She always helped us with our homework if we needed it, and paid the fees for my cross country and Casey's baseball to insure we had things to do, even though we were already tight on money. I felt like I didn't thank her nearly enough for what she's done. She lost her husband only four years ago, yet here she was still smiling. I can only hope to end up like her one day. She was my inspiration.

Sure enough, my mother enters my room again, care basket in hand. At the sight of her, my heart instantly warms, and I forget all about my sickness for a brief second. I Appreciated this basket she held in her petite arms more than anything at this moment.

She gave me a warm smile, placing the basket on the table next to my bed before she leans down and plants a loving kiss on my forehead. I close my eyes, letting a smile creep up on my lips, whispering "Thank you, mommy."

"Anything for my baby." she caresses my hair gently, looking upset that I felt bad.

"I'm okay, I promise. I'll get over this in no time and be back up on my feet!" I say cheerily, not wanting her to be concerned.

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