t h r e e: What Was That All About?

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Finally, it was Friday, I was relieved to be able to go home tonight and do nothing. I didn't have homework, student council, or cross country to attend to tonight, so Netflix had my full attention. This week had been hell and I was grateful that it would finally be over in approximately ten minutes.

I shoved my literature textbook in my bag as the bell rang, as I heard the pushing in of chairs and shuffling of feet towards the door, signaling that everyone was leaving. Just as I was making my way out of the door, the taste of freedom sweet on my tongue, Mr. Goodman stopped me and called me back into the classroom.

"Wait, Tessa Lynne! May I speak with you for a moment?" he asked in his thick British accent, which at times was difficult to understand.

"Yes, of course, Mr. Goodman," I speak as sweetly as possible as I turn on my heel and stalk back in the room.

"Mrs. Montgomery wanted me to deliver a message to you for her," He smiles at me, pulling a sticky note with Mrs. Montgomery's messy scrawl on it out of his pocket. I discreetly check my watch, internally groaning at the fact that I would have been halfway home by now.

"Ah, yes. Here it says, please tell Tessa Lynne that she needs to contact Roman Anderson sometime over the weekend to get further in the planning of the spring prom," He finishes, peering at me over his glasses, and even he looked devastated for me to have to talk to Roman.

My heart nearly falls out of my butt at his words. Do I have to meet with Roman? Oh no. God no. Please do not let this be happening to me. I used to be quite a lucky person, but after my misfortune this week, I'm starting to second guess that.

"Y-yes sir, um I must be going. Have a nice afternoon!" I shout the last part, as I'm already bolting out of the door. I run down the hall into the front lobby, then skid to a sudden stop.

I can't believe this, but as much as I want to go home and completely ignore Mrs. Montgomery's request, I know I can't. If I get Roman to do at least two hours of planning with me tonight, I can be free from him for two days. I know what must be done.

I hauled open the heavy front doors, a gust of chilly September air hitting my cheeks. My eyes skim along the few straggling students who haven't left yet when it hits me. Roman and his friends always skip the last period to go and smoke by the bleachers where they won't get caught. I take a nervous gulp at the thought of facing Roman and his posse all alone, but I know this is important, to the school, and to me. If I fail at planning this dance, I will never forgive myself, so I need to put aside my nerves and do what's best for the school.

I make my way around the side of the building and towards the football field. As I near the bleachers I can make out the vague outline of four teenage boys, dressed in all black, smoke billowing all around them.

The drying grass crunches underneath my worn out toms, and I cringe, not wanting them to see me coming. I can hear them joking, and laughing, and if you didn't know how much of assholes they really were, you would have thought they were normal, well besides the tattoos.

I finally reach them, but their backs are turned to me, so I clear my throat to catch their attention, not trusting my voice quite yet. They all turn and face me simultaneously, and I suck in a breath. Roman rolls his eyes, while the others just eye me like I'm an alien.

"What are you doing here Walker?" Roman asks harshly, taking a drag out of his cigarette, then blowing it outright in my face, making me let out a cough while waving my hand in front of my face. His posse chuckles at me, which consists of a pale boy with bleach blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, one with shaggy brown hair and matching scruff, and another with hair similar to Roman's but a bit shorter and lighter. All of them were obviously very muscular and attractive, but I would never say that out loud.

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