s i x t e e n: Enigma

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School used to be something that I thoroughly enjoyed. Not anymore. For the past month, I've been going to school trying to avoid Roman at all costs. It had never been as bad as it was today, however. First, he had called me out in front of the whole school, then he showed up at my house and witnessed my family at it's lowest. I had no clue what he was going to do with that information. For all I knew he could use it against me and call me out again. You could see why I would be a little on edge about going to school today. This and the fact that I knew everyone would be staring at me like I was an exhibit in the zoo. I was one hundred percent certain that no one had forgotten what happened yesterday and I would have to prepare for a day of name-calling and teasing from random strangers. Great.

Gemma could sense that something was wrong, and lately, that seemed to be more often than not. I'm very thankful that she didn't pry, I really wasn't in the mood to talk. Besides, she already knew half of what was wrong because she witnessed the whole scene yesterday just like everyone else. The other half was my mom's break down, the fact that Roman saw it all, and that I didn't get a wink of sleep. I'm pretty sure my appearance could show that quite nicely though showing by my designer eye bags. When I got into her car this morning just by the look on her face I could tell that she was about to bombard me with questions, but with a subtle shake of my head, she got the message. The ride to school was silent, and I could see from the corner of my eye that Gemma was sending me sympathetic looks. I didn't need her sympathy and to be honest I didn't want her sympathy. I've always hated people looking at me like that. Like I was some sort of lost and helpless puppy. People looked at me like that all the time after my dad died and it made me want to gouge my eyes out with a plastic spoon.

"We're here," Gemma speaks softly as she pulls into an empty parking spot in the middle of the lot.

"Yeah," I whisper, but my eyes were glued to all the students milling about.

"You know, we can wait in here until they all go inside so you don't have to interact with anyone."

Her words made something click into place within me. I've been spending all of this time moping around and being afraid. Since when did I get scared? I knew myself and I knew what Roman said wasn't true. That's all that mattered. I shouldn't let some good for nothing stupid boy ruin that. If I walked into school, held my head high, and ignored everyone's irrelevant comments, then that would show confidence, something they didn't believe I had.

Without warning, I fling the car door open startling Gemma as she stares at me with wide eyes. She definitely wasn't expecting me to act so impulsively. I've always been quite timid, but I was over it. I was tired of giving two fucks about how people looked at me in the hallway. Their opinions are irrelevant.

I walk with a confident stride as Gemma tries to urge her little legs to catch up with me. I was aware people were staring, but as I before stated; I don't care anymore. I wasn't going to let Roman walk all over me anymore, and after seeing what goes down in my house hopefully he'll give me some much-needed space.

Gemma and I walk into the heated school building arm in arm, catching the attention of many. We ignore them and chat with each other, discussing the literature test I was going to have to make up for missing yesterday.

"So you're sure you'll be okay if you have any run-ins with Roman today?" Gemma asks in a whisper as we reach our lockers that were conveniently side by side.

"Yes, Gem. This is about our tenth fight in the past month. As you can see I'm not going to let him get to my head anymore. I promise I'll be fine," I assure her, but before any further discussion can be said on the matter I dash away to my first class.

I walk leisurely down the crowded hall since I was early, but my peaceful stroll was cut short. Suddenly a hand flies out of nowhere, and before I know it I'm crammed inside a dark and musty broom closet.

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