s e v e n t e e n: Why, Hello There

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After everyone went back to minding their own business in the cafeteria, I awkwardly turned back around in my seat to find Gemma and Darren's gazes already locked on me. They wanted to ask what the hell that whole scene was all about, but quite frankly I had no clue myself. When Roman said he would do anything to make it up to me I didn't know that included publicly announcing that he was indeed an asshole and at fault.

I decided to just ignore their stares and pretend that none of that ever happened. I really didn't feel like answering all the questions that I knew were filling my friends' heads now. To my disappointment they just continue to stare at me with a pointed look, obviously lacking patience. I heave out a sigh and speak, "what?".

"WHAT? WHAT is all you have to say in all of this?!" Gemma asks frantically while moving her hands about sporadically. 

"Well yeah..." I trail off, leaving them both hanging. 

"No, no, no, nooooooo. That will not work. Nope, not one bit. Missy, you better tell us what's going through your head," Gemma commands.

"Yeah seriously we really want to know if we're gonna be replaced or not," Darren says with a shrug of his shoulders while my eyes widen to the size of saucers. 

"What? You guys think I'm going to replace you with Roman?" I ask incredulously. Did they really think I would do something like that? 

"Well, I don't know maybe...I mean he's just popular and all and we're, well, not," Gemma says, poking at her salad with her fork.

"But you guys have been my best friends since the sixth grade. I wouldn't even ditch you for Taylor Swift! You should know I don't care about popularity," I exclaim, wanting them to know I would never leave them. 

"Okay we know, it's just we were getting a little insecure I guess," Darren smiles at me, reassuring me that we were all good. Just then someone plops down in the seat beside me and the whole cafeteria erupts into whispers and pointing. I look beside me to find Logan looking right back at me.

"What is with all these popular guys being so obsessed with Tess lately?" Gemma whines, clearly wanting some attention for herself. 

"No one is obsessing over me," I roll my eyes at Gemma. Little did she know the guy sitting right across from her, also known as our best friend, obsesses over her. 

"So I heard Roman's not so little speech there..." Logan trails off, suggesting something. 

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting him to do anything like that," I turn around to glance at Roman at his lunch table but sure enough he wasn't there. His friends Nicholas, Patrick, and Evan were all whispering wildly. it was no doubt about Roman's scene and why he even cared about me in the first place. 

"Well, the whole school is talking about you two now. They all think you guys are a thing," Logan says and I can't help but notice the look of disappointment roll over his features. For some reason, I felt like I had to completely shut down that thought from his head. 

"Oh nooo. You know nothing like that would ever happen between Roman and I. That's just not possible," I shake my head, a giggle bubbling up in my throat at the mere thought of it. 

"Yeah I know, just making sure. I'll make sure to shut those rumors down then," Logan lets out a breath of air, showing me he's relieved. 

Logan has been sending me mixed signals since we've become friends. Sometimes I feel like he might like me but others I feel as if he's just being friendly. Talking to me at the party a while ago was just being nice, but when he drove me home and made me dinner, well that's another story. He even kissed me on the cheek for crying out loud! I mean sure Logan was really sweet and really hot but my brain and heart really didn't know if I liked him back or wanted to get involved in a relationship. 

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