f i f e t e e n: Your Wish Is My Command

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Logan and I sat in his car, his hands tightly gripping the wheel as we drove. The soft sound of The Beatles plays through his speakers, and I hum along absentmindedly. I had stopped shaking for the most part, due to my distraction of humming along to the beautiful ballad playing.  My head was swimming with thoughts filled with Roman, Isabella, and the not so innocent bystanders. Did they think it was funny, or were they just too afraid to speak up and do something about the fact that I was being tormented in front of the whole student body?

Meanwhile, I thought Logan was just taking me home, but he takes me by surprise and pulls into the local ice cream parlor that I love more than life itself. Instantly my eyes light up, which Logan notices and in response, he gives me the goofiest grin I've ever come across. He really was sweet. We both hop out of the car and enter the shop, the bell making a tinkling sound behind us.

"Hello welcome to Stacy's Ice Cream Parlor!" the only worker currently on a shift yells. She had red, bouncy curls and cute little freckles dotted along her face, paired with a wide smile as she saw us walk in. I give her back a smile and Logan waves at her as we approach the counter.

There weren't many people here considering it was school hours, but I liked it better that way. I skip up to the counter, in a considerably better mood than before because of the cold delicious treat I was about to receive.

"What would you like?" Logan asks as my eyes desperately scan the colorful array of all the different flavors.

"It's so hard to choose, there's so many!" I exclaim, clearly frustrated. Logan chuckles but waits patiently as I try to decide.

"Mint chocolate chip," I smile in satisfaction, looking up into Logan's big blue eyes. He laughs at me again, obviously very amused.

"What?" I laugh with him just because his laugh is infectious.

"It took you that long to decide on that?" he asks incredulously. I raise my hands in defense before saying, "Hey don't judge me, it's my favorite flavor and I was thinking about branching out a little, but I just can't. I would be cheating," I pout

"So Walker, are you telling me that you are in fact dating mint chocolate chip ice cream?" Logan asks, a soft amused smile gracing his face, in contrast to his sharp cheekbones and bold jaw line. I jokingly ponder his question, putting my hand to my chin in thought.

"Well I definitely would date that yummy goodness, but that would be weird," I laugh as Logan lets out a snort, then covers his mouth, embarrassed. How cute. I give the redhead an apologetic look as Logan and I stand there having a very odd conversation right in front of her while she waits to take our order. She waves me off, an adoring smile on her face. I'm assuming she thought that Logan and I were dating, and thought we were being cute. Surprisingly, that thought didn't turn me off so much.

"Good to know, good to know," Logan muses, turning his attention back to the waitress.

"We'll have one cotton candy cone, and one mint chocolate chip cone," Logan says, looking satisfied. I start to pull my wallet out of my back pocket when Logan halts my movements. I look up at him expectantly.

"What are you doing?" he asks, his thick eyebrows scrunching together in confusion.

"Getting my wallet so I can pay for my ice cream...." I draw out, blinking slowly at him. I hear the waitress stifle a laugh and I wonder what's so funny.

"Why in the world would you do that?" he asks, his crystal orbs practically glowing under the fluorescent lights of the shop.

"Well you know, you kind off saved my butt back there and I thought the least I could do was-"

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