f i v e: Just Great

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So here I was on my Friday night, at a highschool party. You would think that a teenage girl would be happy about that. I wasn't.

It was nine and the party was just getting started. Many more people have come in since Gemma and me, and when we got here it was already packed, so you can only imagine how many people were occupying the house now. I squeezed my way through a pack of sweaty teens, wiping my arms when they came in contact with me, not wanting to be contaminated. It looked and smelled disgusting in here so you can't really blame me for wanting out. I was following Gemma outside after I said that I was feeling claustrophobic, and I hoped that there was a significantly less amount of people out there.

I sucked in a deep breath of clean, fresh air once we made it to safer grounds. I made my way to the hammock hanging from two trees, hoping Gemma would let me be a recluse and stay here all night. I knew that I was probably going to have to drive home tonight because Gemma was definitely going to get smashed, so there was no way I was going to escape this party. I could not and would not leave Gemma here alone, drunk and trying to find a ride home. She might even try to drive herself, and that could lead to even worse things. If she got in a car accident for drunk driving, I would never be able to forgive myself.

I took a seat in the hammock, loving the way it swung back and forth, the breeze blowing my blonde hair all around.  Gemma squeezed in next to me, giving me a smile. I knew she wanted to go and get drunk, then hook up with some random guy, but at the same time, she didn't want to leave me alone.

"Gemma go have fun," I laugh, gently pushing her off the hammock.

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you alone..." She trails off, giving me a doubtful look.

"Yes, I'm sure! You're the one who wanted to come to this party so go enjoy it," I urge her, giving her a look that proved I was serious.

"Okay, but if you need anything, or just want to go home, you can come to get me okay?" she asks, raising her eyebrows.

I knew that by the time I went to get her, she would be wasted so I would be the one forcing her to leave, but I nodded nonetheless.

"Yes, I know, now go!" I push her away before she can protest, then sit back in the hammock, looking up at the dark sky speckled with glimmering stars.

Maybe this party wasn't going to be as bad as I thought. As long as I stay here the whole time, I'll be fine. I was planning to go and get Gemma in about two hours or so, that way she would have time to dance, drink, grind on random guys, the usual.

I let out a sigh, closing my eyes, relaxing. I didn't really mind the pumping music, and obnoxious teenagers as much out here. If I closed my eyes and pretended I was at home, I felt a lot better. I stayed like that for a while, before my throat got dry, and I thought I would go and get a drink. Not alcoholic of course, but some water or something. The only thing stopping me was the fact that to do this, I had to go into the house. I did not want to get pushed and shoved by sweaty, drunk teens just because I wanted to fulfill a simple task of getting a cup of water. I stalled a bit longer before my whole mouth went dry, and I couldn't stand it anymore.

I swung my legs over the side of the hammock and stood up in the fluffy grass. I looked for a route to get in the house without running into too many people, and once I spotted one, I dashed towards the door.

The blaring music seemed to hit me in the chest when I walked into the house, just like it did the first time. I glanced around, looking past the dance floor that was packed with people until the kitchen came into my line of sight. I made a beeline for it, wanting to get in and get out as soon as possible. I stepped into the kitchen, dodging giggling girls, drooling over guys muscles. I grabbed a cup from the table, filling it with water using the sink. I took large gulps, soothing my dry mouth. Just as I thought I would get out of here safely, I heard an all too familiar voice speak out over the music.

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