Edward moves in with Y/N

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3rd person POV

The new couple wakes up the next day and begins packing Edward's things after breakfast. Jekyll had gone out and found a cab (carriage) for the two to put the boxes in and ride to Y/N's house.

A few hours later, the cab arrives, and just on time. Edward had just finished skimming the house, making sure he had everything. Jekyll put all the boxes in the carriage when Edward and Y/N walk out of Jekyll's mansion.

"Got everything?" Henry asks.

"We have everything. This is so new. It seems that so recently I just got my own body. Now I"m married and am moving in with my wife." Edward smiles at Y/N, she returns the smile.

"We'll still see each other often, right?" Jekyll jokes.

"Of course we will! I'll never leave you for long Henry."

"Wonderful." Jekyll gives Edward a hug, and Edward returns it, then gets into the carriage with Y/N. They wave Jekyll a goodbye as the carriage pulls off towards Y/N's house.

When the two get to Y/N's house, they begin unpacking Edward's things and putting them in the bedroom and a few other things in other places.

As for Jekyll, he now had to get used to not having Edward in the house.

As time passes, Edward and Y/N visit quite much, making sure Jekyll has his company, and Edward often took care of his flower garden while there. Y/N would help with some experiments of Jekyll's, then she soon managed to get a job at Jekyll's society (or whatever you want to call it). Y/N liked it there very much, working with Jekyll and his fellow colleagues. She didn't work a full-time job, but worked enough to make a living. When she did experiments at home, Edward would watch in amazement, all the time until he went to her one day and said he'd like to pursue the majors that she did. Y/N was both excited and happy for him, then helped him sign up for classes in the spring.

Edward soon told Jekyll and Jekyll shared Y/N's feelings of excitement for him.

Though Jekyll still had an empty house (except when Y/N and Edward visited) he did have some extra company on occasion. Jekyll would walk some mornings and happen to bump into Emma. The two would walk together if they could. Slowly, those morning walks had turned into meeting up, then it had turned into dates. Jekyll would go pick Emma up from her house and usually would take her to a dinner or a show. The two loved to get together when they could, once day Jekyll couldn't stop blushing when talking about her to Y/N and Edward, then when they questioned Jekyll, he confessed to them. Both loved Jekyll still and was very happy for him.

One day, Emma, Jekyll, Y/N, and Edward are all in a main room, chatting and had just finished a dinner.

 Y/N looks to Edward. "Sweetie, a random though just came to mind. How would you feel about having children one day?"

Edward looks to her suddenly, almost as if he's in shock. "Oh, well.. I-I don't know. I've never really thought about it.. were you thinking.. soon?"

"I don't know. Just thinking about it."

"I don't know exactly.. what if something goes wrong love? What if something happens and I lose you? Or lose you and the baby?"

"You don't need to worry darling. Everything will be okay. And if we're too worried about that, then we can always adopt."

"I guess you're right. It's really just something to think about for some time before just jumping in."

"It is, and we'll think about it." Y/N kisses him on the cheek, then Emma speaks.

"Hey, I was wondering if you all would like to go to the square of town soon. In a few days, there's a lot of events down there for Christmas."

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Emma!" Jekyll says, the others agree with the idea, and so it was planned.

Those then few days later, the four go down to the square. They look at many booths and lights. Everything is so pretty when it's all lit up, and there's a magnificent tree in the middle that has many lights on or around it. Edward looks around at all the Christmas cheer around him. He likes the warm feeling inside. Edward goes off for a moment, then soon is seen performing magic tricks to make a crowd happy. After one of his tricks he laughs a little, happy with what he's doing for the other people.

The crowd dies away as Edward hears something, he perks up almost like a cat and listens carefully. "Is that crying and.. laughing?" Edward asks himself.

"Sweetie is there something wrong?" Y/N asks. Edward looks to her.

"I think I hear crying and laughing. I gotta find out where it's coming from." Edward climbs a house and gets across rooftops. Y/N, curious and also hoping Edward won't fall, follows him from the ground.

Jekyll notices and so does Emma, so they follow not far behind Y/N.

Edward jumps from roof to roof, getting closer to the noise, when he suddenly jumps over it. Edward turns around and looks over the edge to see four boys, teasing one. An obvious unfair fight, and the one being bullied has no way to defend himself.

Edward snarls a little at the sight of the beating.

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