Dinner party

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Hyde's POV

"Are you two talking?" Henry asks. I nod to him with a smile. "Wonderful!" he says, then we hear the door open and another joins us. We talk for a few minutes before Y/N joins, then Robert and Lanyon, and it's not very long until others join us as well. 

"Hyde, might we walk around and talk? It's a little loud here." Utterson asks. I reluctantly say yes, or to me it felt reluctant. We both stand and leave the room walking to the outside. Utterson looks at an old box in the corner.

"I've been meaning to do something with that. I was thinking perhaps a garden or a place for flowers." I say, trying to start some kind of good conversation with this man. He hardly has a reaction. Suddenly he turns and shoves me against the wall, I look around swiftly noticing we have no windows viewing us.

"Alright Edward Hyde." Utterson says my name as if it's poison on his tongue. "Why are you really free? Did you pressure Henry? Did you threaten him? Is he hurt?"

"No! I-I didn't do anything to him!" I almost yell, but he shushed me.

"I've heard of a few murders.. were they yours? Have you killed people?! Does Henry know about this?!"

"Utterson please-" He slams me against the wall again.

"Don't toy with me. I won't let you hurt Henry in any way or form. If I find out you've hurt him then you won't live to see tomorrow's light of day."

"I swear I haven't done anything to him!"

"Shush! You'll bring attention."

"I-I don't know what to tell you.. I'm not who I used to b-be... a-agh.."

"What is wrong with you? Speak to me like a normal human being! Not some child-"

"Shut up Utterson."

"What did you say?"

"I said.. shut up." I look to Utterson. The darkness is back. There's no one to keep it from me I remember, but it feels so good to let my inner-self out. I give Utterson a glare, and a mean one at that. He looks as if I'm insulting him. "I suggest you don't threaten me. Otherwise you might be the second one to end up in that alleyway by that pub."

"Are.. are you the one who murdered him!?"

"He hurt Y/N!!! He had cut her so I was defending her!" I shove Utterson over to the ground. "But if you continue to threaten me then I will leave you in the same alleyway that I left him!!!" I'm standing over Utterson now, he looks sort of nervous, but there's still a lot of stern in his face. I stare angrily, but then I feel my face soften as the anger leaves. I stand up straight and look around for a moment. Then I look back down to Utterson, the man is still on the ground. "Oh gosh... I'm so sorry sir!" I take his hand and pull him upwards and help him brush off his suit. "Forgive me Mr. Utterson.. I don't know what came over me.."

Utterson scoffs and we both return inside.

Y/N comes to us. "There you two are! Dinner is starting, come join us! What a lovely suit you have sir! I don't believe we've met." Y/N has her common niceties which is good of her, especially since so many are against women who enjoy science like her.

"I am John Gabriel Utterson Miss, and you?"

"Y/N L/N, pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine. Might we go now?"

"Yes of course!" The three of us go to the table and sit. Y/N sits next to me and I feel myself lightly blush because of it. Henry starts with a toast to old friends, then we begin to eat. All the others talk while eating and I stay fairly quiet unless I am spoken to first, same for Y/N. She then gets the question:

"Ma'am, what might your profession be? I've never seen a woman wearing a man's clothes." One of Henry's friends ask curiously, he's not being rude about it or anything, luckily.

"Oh, I actually just graduated college not too long ago, but I've taken the majors of science, medical sciences, and medical studies at once. They were all quite entertaining and I'm thinking on what to do where I can still do my own experiments but still have a job." Y/N replies

"Well then you should get a job at the institute that Jekyll works at if you can! He does a lot of what you've described."

"Yes and I've considered that."

Another speaks, "Yes but that doesn't quite explain the clothing."

"Ah yes, I wear man's clothes because if I wear a dress then it gets in the way when I'm doing experiments, so I wear these so I might not spill or break anything. Then for my personal use, they're just comfier." She responds to the other.

"Interesting!" One of the men exclaim, Y/N looks around happily as if she wasn't asked the question at all, as if she has no offense to be taken from any questions. I admire that. We all talk happily for the rest of the night of dinner, then even when done we continue to talk for a good while until people begin leaving. Y/N looks to me.

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