"Date" with Y/N

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Jekyll's POV

"Aww, getting kind of touchy now?" I ask.

"Only because it tickled so much." Edward says, though he sounds like he enjoyed it a little.

I smile to him and hug him in return, in which he smiles. After a few minutes of just lying there with Edward, we finally get up and get ready for the day. He hangs around me a lot, looking at my work and reading books, he looks so curious about different things. It soon crawls around to about 6:30 and Edward is now walking around quickly looking at his cloak and hat, then at a few other things as well.

"What's troubling you Edward?"

"I'm going on a walk with Y/N tonight, remember?"

"Ah yes, I forgot about that."

"How? It's been in my mind all day!"

"Heh, well you're the one going. Come on, organize your thoughts while I help you get ready." I stand up and gather what he'll need, I actually take the cloak and hat off the stand and help him put it on. He still looks a little nervous so I sit him in a chair. "Edward, everything will be fine, just go and talk about interests you both have, that's all you need to do."

"Really?.. what if I mess up?" He asks.

"You'll be fine. Just start by talking about your interests."


"Good, now go and have fun."

"Okay, yeah okay." Edward stands and makes his way to the door, he looks at me once more before leaving and smiles, then opens the door and leaves.

Hyde's POV

I make my way down the street, nervously talking to myself, then remembering what Henry said. With my nerves finally calmed, I notice that I'm only a block from Y/N's house. Once I reach her doorstep I take a breath, then knock on the door. Christopher opens it. 
"Hello Mr. Hyde."

"Hello Christopher, is Y/N home?"

"She is, I will get her for you"

"Thank you."

Christopher leaves, then returns no more than a minute later with Y/N. She is in her normally clothed manner, but these ones are nice. Obviously used for special occasions.

"Evening Edward." She says.

"Evening." I reply. "Are you ready to go?"

"I am. I'll be back in some time Christopher." She says, then makes her way down the few steps with me.

"Any particular place you want to go tonight?"

"Not exactly, I just want to walk with you."

My heart flutters when she says that, she just wants to walk with me. I never thought she'd only want time with me. After all I've done.. but that's past. At the moment I'm with Y/N.

"So I know a bit about your interests, but you said you have a test coming up. Remind me when that is?"

"A few days from now. I have to go to the college early in the morning and take the test when it comes time."

"Wow, do you imagine it will be hard?"

"I imagine it will be fairly difficult. There could be medical terms I've forgotten or something else."

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