The Wedding

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3rd person POV

After a nice and warm hug, Y/N and Hyde go inside with Jekyll. Jekyll has Poole start a fire, while he does so, Hyde goes off and then returns with some paper and a pencil. Hyde sits in a chair and Y/N stands behind him.

"What's that for Edward?" Y/N asks.

"Well, I was thinking that perhaps we could begin planning our wedding." Hyde answers with a blush.

"Oh, I didn't even think about that!" she exclaims, "I was too busy thinking about how cute you are!"

Hyde blushes again and tries to hide it, though he can't. Y/N giggles a little and says that she's ready to begin when he is. 
Both begin to plan their wedding: where it will be, the decorations, where they might find a bishop, people they could invite to it. Which while they were planning, they discovered that they had more friends than they thought. Then of course they invited Jekyll, as well as a few friends of theirs that are also friends of his. 

The two plan for hours, and they finally stopped when they realized it was 12:54 at night. Y/N gave a kind and loving hug to Hyde before she left. Hyde was sad to see her leave, but knew he'd see her the next day. So with that, Hyde went to bed, thinking about how tomorrow would go. 

With the couple's excitement, planning was done within less than a week. They had sent the invitations that same week as well, and the wedding was planned for a little over a month from the current date.

The time it takes for the day to come felt like years, but Hyde and Y/N had to wait for that day. They do a lot to pass the time, like decorating for upcoming holidays or deciding where they'll be after they're married. There was much debate, but since Y/N's house wasn't far from Jekyll's and she could try to get a job at where Jekyll works then it seemed fitting to only move Hyde instead of both of them. 

Finally, the day came.

(((((Sorry this is such a speed through, but I don't really know what to put so I'm speeding through that wait time XD. I hope it's not too fast, and I hope it's still enjoyable XD.)))))

Y/N got into her wedding dress, and Hyde into his suit. Jekyll was helping Hyde get ready, and most importantly, he was helping Hyde continue breathing.

"For goodness sake's Edward! I've never seen someone have such trouble breathing, even someone choking on food." Jekyll laughs and Hyde tries to as well. It was a funny joke, Hyde was just nervous.

"I'm sorry Henry, but today's the day that I get married and I'm incredibly nervous." Hyde's shaky breathing gets a little worse, then Jekyll gets in front of Hyde and holds his fidgeting hands still.

"You'll be alright Edward. I understand your nervous. Maybe it'll help to only think of her right now. I know being in front of people can be scary, so when you see her, don't look at anyone else. Just, pretend that you're imagining the whole event, then when it's over you can pull yourself back into reality. But as of the moment, just breathe. I'll be here the whole time."

"Of course you will. You're my best man."

The two laugh for a moment. Then go and greet a few more people before going up front to wait for the reception to start.

After a few moments, the music begins, then comes Y/N, down the isle. 

(((Idk what you think should've happened, but I always imagined that parents were either dead or Y/N ran away because of wanting to pursue the dream of science but didn't have family approval. So yeah XD)))

'She looks so pretty.' Hyde thought to himself, as he watched the gown flow gorgeously as Y/N walked. She reaches the front and faces Hyde with the vale over her face. Both smile to each other, then the bishop starts. Bishop goes through the whole ceremony, beginning to end, but all Hyde could think about was the gorgeous being in front of him.
Finally, the Bishop spoke: "Mr. Edward Hyde, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Hyde says as he stares into her eyes.

"And Ms. Y/N L/N, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Y/N replied.

"Then congratulations to both of you," the bishop shuts his book. "You are now husband and wife, you may kiss the bride."

Hyde removes the vale and kisses the now, Y/N Hyde. She returns the kiss in a passionate manner, and the two smile when they separate for a breath. The others clap for them and stand to congratulate the newly wedded couple.

(part two will be out soon)

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