Making the first move

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Hyde's POV

What if she doesn't like me back? I couldn't ruin the friendship we have, if you'd call it that. I probably scared her the night I met her too. I don't know why she's still around me.


I snap back into reality and look at Jekyll. "Yes brother?"

"Dr. Lanyon just asked you about yourself."

"Oh I'm terribly sorry sir, I was lost in my own thoughts. May you repeat your question?"

"I asked what you did most of the time before and after you met Jekyll, considering you're step-brothers."

"Oh, well... I didn't do much, just reading and writing."

"What did you read?"

"I read about similar things that Henry did in college, for some time I've debated with myself on attending a college to pursue those courses. Though after our parents met and got married I spent a lot of late nights out and I was exhausted during the day, Henry didn't like it very much but I love walking around in the moonlight. Then, you probably know what happened to our parents after some time."

"Yes I know. Well that's interesting how you spent your time. I hope you do find soon what you want to pursue."

"Though if you do go to college, I would recommend that you pay close attention, and not go out at night. You're brain can't function if it's tired."

"Noted, thank you."

I look over and notice Henry smiling at me, but there's something different about this smile. It's like a, 'ahaaaahhhh' smile. I look away pretending that I didn't notice him, but we both know I did. Then he starts to contact me through our thoughts. 'So that's why you keep staring at her.'

'What?!' I look at him suddenly, but try to look as if I'm just looking around.

'I managed to look through your memories Edward. I knew you liked her a little bit but you want to pursue something with her!'

I go silent for a minute and blush a little as it also feels like my blood just went cold. I'm scared as if someone just found out my darkest secrets.

'I-I don't know how to Henry... I don't even know what love is or how to do it. I don't know if I should hold her hand or pull her hair...'

'Well I can say you definitely don't pull her hair. You need to give happy, loving gestures to her.'

'I don't know how to do that!'

'We'll practice when we get home!'

Our little thought conversation stops as we return to the real one. A bit later Y/N says that Robert is stable and she packs up her chemicals. Dr. Lanyon thanks Y/N for her help and thanks us for the conversation. We all say goodbye and head back to Y/N's carriage. Once we get back home Henry rushes me to the room and locks the door behind him. When I turn around he's smiling to me like an excited child would.

"Henry calm down!"

"I can't it's adorable!"

"Fine.. can you just tell me, what gesture does what?"

"Sure. Holding her hand is a good one, I've seen that often shows you just want to be close. Now hugging is another thing, when you and I hugged, that was just a, 'I need comfort' hug, and it can be that when in a relationship, but depending on the feelings of the person at the time it can be a comfort hug or 'I love you' hug." Henry talks for another 30 minutes, mainly because I continued to ask questions that included how to do it, which he made me do instead of just showing me because he wanted me to 'get the feel of it'. After that he finally calms down. 

"I think you're ready to go talk to her brother."

"B-But what if I forget everything? What if Billy takes over?!"

"It'll be okay. I've been working on something that will get rid of Billy, I just need a little more time. The further I get the more I'll know how it will effect you. But it shouldn't be too serious."

"Alright.." I turn around nervously, then walk out the door. It's like 2 in the morning, so she must be exhausted. I feel kind of bad going to her at this time. I walk into the main room and surprisingly find her reading at this hour. I expected her to be asleep. I slowly walk behind her and read a few words from her book, she senses me here though, because she looks up at me and smiles a little. 
I feel myself blush and go sit in the chair next to hers.
"I didn't expect you to be up at such a late hour."

"Same. I expected you and Jekyll to go straight to bed." She smiles a little.

I smile back at her, then a strange feeling inside me forms. I don't know this one yet, it feels like someone else, which would be Billy in my case is happy as well. But that's not possible, he's the bad side, he can't feel anything like that.

'Daddy thought the same thing about you when you were the bad one.'

'So are you saying you can feel that? You can become good?'

'I didn't say I could, I didn't say I couldn't. I just awoke recently. I'm still learning things myself Edward'

'You'd think you'd know a little about yourself.'

'I could say the same about you. You didn't know you had feelings for Y/N the way you did for some time. You didn't even know what blushing was.'

'I knew what it was, I just didn't know I could feel it.'

'And that's how I feel. I don't know how it feels for myself to if it happens then I won't understand at first'

'I guess I can understand that.' I look back at Y/N and she's reading again. "Hey um.. Y/N.." I manage to say. She looks at me.

"Yes?" She replies.

"Would you um.. like to go out on a walk tomorrow night with me?.."

She smiles at me, butterflies fill my stomach. "Yes I would. Sounds lovely."

"Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow then."

Y/N nods and I leave, going back the room that Jekyll is in. Jekyll is smiling when I walk in and he jumps up. "So how'd it go?!"

"Um. Well. We're going to go on a walk tomorrow night."

Jekyll smiles widely and hugs me. "Congratulations brother!!!" I laugh and hug him back. He lies me down on the bed and gets over me. "What's happening with Billy? Is he being good?"

"Well he didn't kill either of us down there, so I think he is. He wants out though, I can feel it."

"I'll make something to get rid of him."


Should Billy stay or go? Let me know please! I'm stuck between the two XD.

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