The original returns

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3rd person POV

After Hyde begins to look at different chemicals and books, Jekyll comes behind him. "Edward, are you alright? That was an odd motion you gave to me. I never thought you'd be so willing to give a hug, much less to receive one."

"I just... I needed it.."

"Why though? I mean it was nice but is something troubling you?"

"No, nothing is troubling me, I just thought I'd try it out."

"Well... alright. Is there anything else you need?"


"Alright, just don't break anything."

"I won't Henry. But you be careful with those knives. They're dangerous."

"Yes.. I know.. thanks for the advice though." Jekyll turns around and sits back in his chair to read his book, it's hard to read though when someone so close is struggling with something they won't talk about. Soon enough, Hyde leaves and Jekyll can pick up his book and concentrate on it.

Hyde's POV

As I walk down the hallways I can hear voices whispering to me, they talk about death, they want me to hurt people, kill people, torture them. The voices get louder and louder until I turn a corner and look up. Something from that long corridor is running in my direction. But it vanishes before I can see it. So I just ignore it.

Over the next few days I continue to see terrifying things. Y/N continues to come over but sometimes I see her dead, or on fire, or rotting before my eyes. The same with Jekyll, but it's usually by something killing him.

I haven't slept in those days either, in those days.. I've felt a terribly intense feeling of something watching me from any shadow there is, when I'm outside or just in my room, sometimes it comes from the mirror.

While walking through the mansion I look down a corridor seeing a figure in the shadows again. It begins to run at me, and I'm slightly afraid but I want to find out who this is, so I stand waiting. This person is incredibly fast and I gasp when I realize who it is.. it's me!

The dark and evil side of me is running at me with a large knife! The one I killed that drunk with! He gets closer as I'm frozen in fear, then stabs me once in the gut when he gets here. I choke on my own air as he maniacally smiles and holds me close. "Guess what Edward... I'm still here. The real Edward Hyde is still here and ready to do what I was meant to."

Jekyll's POV

Edward has been acting odd lately, I've been finding sheets over all the mirrors, even the ones in my lab. Poole told me that Edward ordered him to cover them all for a specific purpose, but Edward won't tell anyone that purpose. As I walk down the hall I hear some small heavy breathing from around to corner and I hurry just a little, but then- "AHHHHHH!!!!!!!" there's a blood-curdling scream and I sprint around the corner to find Edward on the floor squirming in what looks like he's in pain.

"Edward! Edward are you okay?!" I yell as I get to his side.

"H-Henr-ry r-run!!!" Edward clenches his head as he squirms.

"Why? What's happening?! Are you okay?!"

"H-He's c-coming!!!" Edward starts to crawl a little, then he weakly stands and runs into a room that has almost nothing in it. I follow him in but when he notices I'm in he tries to shove me out. "P-Please l-leave!!! Don't c-come until you h-hear my v-voice!!!" Edward shoves me out and locks the door, then tosses his keys under it. I hear Edward fall again and scream in pain more.

After some time it gets extremely quiet and I open the door, Edward is lying on the floor passed out, I lock the door but get to his side. He growls a little in his sleep and it startles me so I find some boxes and hide behind them. After I hide behind those boxes he wakes up, then he sits up, then looks around. But the way Edward is walking, the way he mutters to himself, the way his face looks. I've seen all of this before. This is the original Edward Hyde, the evil one that I created. 

But how is this possible?! I never gave Edward the potion, maybe he took it when I turned my back a few days ago.. he was over there for a good few minutes.. there was some salt over there too, and the potion wasn't far.. I never use it though, it's only for display. He could've taken it. But now isn't the time to go check. I've locked us both in, and we're two floors up and we have no windows. I'm stuck in here until the old Edward changes back into the new one, unless he needs the potion to switch then I might have to negotiate with him. 

The old Edward looks around angrily for some time. He destroys boxes, bangs on the door, then notices a tall item with a sheet over it and rips the sheet off, under the sheet is a mirror and the old Edward gazes into it, then my eyes widen as I see the new Edward, my Edward in the mirror reflection. He's on the verge of crying the poor thing..

"Please stop it-.. you!" I smile a little at the name, this other side doesn't have one so "You" is the only thing we can call it, at least until it gets a name.

"No I won't stop!!! Not  until I can get out!!! Where'd you hide the keys?!!!!"

"I locked the door and gave them to Henry! You can't escape! This room is useless!"

"But this room is where you cry all the time!"

Edward looks shocked and scared of the comments. 'It is scary Edward, this is what you've done to me, you tortured me by looking at my memories...' I think to myself. Then I see a light and I am then pulled into a strange room, the room lights up and I can select items. The longer I look through the selections I realize these are my memories. Old memories of how Edward tortured me. I select one and it warns me that both of us will see it, I don't know how to turn back though and the memory plays. The memory is incredibly short though.

In the memory, Edward laughs as he taunts me of my weaknesses. Taunts me for how much I cried when I was alone, how much I paced and worried. 

After the memory ends I think to Edward. 'Edward please, I'm sorry I couldn't help it.. I had no way to keep from you seeing it.'

Edward turns ever so slightly in my direction, acknowledging I'm here, but not  thinking or saying anything. This other might find out I'm here. Edward is trying to protect me.. I remain silent until this other get incredibly angry, even for the original Edward and begins to kick things roughly. He stomps over to where I am and kicks the boxes hard which kicks me, making me yelp. He freezes, then crouches down smiling maniacally.


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