Henry Jekyll

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Your POV

I take another sip of my water as I watch the performers at The Red Rat. Their dances don't really make much sense to me and they seem a little desperate when  they sing the "Bring on the Men song. These women can do whatever they want, but I know that I would never be on that stage, though I don't really have a reason for it anyways. I already have a fairly successful job, and I'm almost done with college. It's not  hard being a scientists assistant, just do what they say and understand why and you've got it.

After sitting  here for another hour, I've already finished my glass of water and decide it's time to go home, my research is better than this, there's so much more joy than watching this "entertainment."

I gather my books and papers and walk out of The Red Rat. As I turn the corner walking out of the door I bump into someone and we both fall over, the back of my head hitting the bottom of a lamp pole.

"Ouch!" I hear a man say, I assume it's the one I bumped into.

"S-Sorry.." is all I manage to get  out in my shocked state, I hit my head pretty hard.

I slowly manage to make my way over near him and try to pick up one of his papers for him, though when I reach I only feel ground, but my sight says I am touching the paper, then again, I see three of everything. I feel around for the paper and when I do I pick it up. I stand, but the man is gone.

"Excuse me miss." He says and I turn around quickly. "I believe these are your things."

"Ah, thank you, and this is yours." I shove the paper in his direction, though, it's incorrect, because the man taps me on the shoulder and says,

"Miss I'm here." and he turns me in his direction.

When I am turned, we exchange our objects. "Forgive me sir, I may have bumped my head a little on that lamp and am not seeing clearly."

"Honestly? I am so sorry! May I have a look?"

"Sure I guess?" I turn around so the man can see where I hit, and he makes a noise that sounds shocked. "Is everything alright?" I ask.

"Ma'm you're bleeding, may I help you? I am a doctor."

"Are you? That's helpful isn't it. I can probably treat it, I've almost finished my medical studies in college."

"I can help, even doctors see other doctors to help understand what's happening, and you can't really see it."

"That's true... alright I'll let you help me Mr..."

"Ah yes, my name is Jekyll, Henry Jekyll."

"Alright Dr. Jekyll. I am Y/N L/N."

"Come Dr. L/N. I will help you in my lab."

I follow Dr. Jekyll to his lab, but we have to go through his house and it's rather magnificent. I love how nice everything is, some vases look very expensive. I wonder what Dr. Jekyll has for me.

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