A proposal

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Jekyll's POV

"That's odd." I reply to Edward, then Poole comes around the corner.

"Sir, Mr. Utterson just left ... what's happened here?"

"A dilemma." I reply. "I know he left, I asked him to leave."

"If I may ask, why might that be?"

"Because of some actions, he tried to choke out Edward." 

Poole has a look of shock on his face. Though, I just brush it off. I stand and help Edward up, and Y/N stands on her own. We walk past Poole to return to the dinner party. Poole follow us and continues to assist in any way he can.

3rd person POV

The dinner party runs fairly smooth after that. Everyone there laughs and has a good time, Henry, Edward, and Y/N act as if nothing happened so there's no question. A few hours later, most everyone is gone. Robert and Lanyon hung back for a moment to give their goodbyes.

"This really was a splendid dinner party Jekyll. I do hope we can meet again soon." Lanyon says.

"I do as well, thank you so much for coming." Jekyll replies. 

"Henry," Robert says. "I question myself to ask, are you alright?"

"Yes Robert, why might you ask?"

"Well, you have markings on your neck.. they look like hand-prints... they're worse of Hyde."

"Oh... I.. I don't know if now is the best time to speak about this." Jekyll touches his neck where the prints are.

"I understand, but please tell me if anything is wrong."

"I will, and thank you for your concern."

Robert nods, then him and Lanyon walk out. Poole shuts the door behind them and turns to look at Jekyll. "Sir?"

"I'm fine Poole. Let's get some sleep." Jekyll replies. He turns around and smiles at Hyde and Y/N, then goes to his chamber and gets ready for bed. Y/N says goodnight to Hyde, then leaves for the night, Hyde doing the same as Jekyll and going to bed.

A little over a week passes, Henry has continued to do his experiments, and part of it was to possibly find out as to why his eyes went red. Though he figured it was probably some side-effect of the potion that created Hyde, the others wanted to know. Hyde saw Jekyll often in his lab, and also spent time outside, turning that little box in the corner into a beautiful flowerbed. Hyde also spent a lot of time with Y/N, going out at night with her and even some times during the day.

Hyde places another flower in the bed, when an explosion of a sort comes from the lab. Hyde gets up immediately and runs inside the lab. "Henry are you okay?!"

Jekyll coughs for a moment as the fume disappears, once it is gone, it shows Jekyll on the floor, his hair is messy and his clothes dirty. Hyde helps Jekyll up. 

"Henry what happened? You're a mess!"

Jekyll laughs a little. "I'm sorry Edward. I was doing some tests and accidentally knocked some salt into a mixture. Or I guess I should say a lot of salt.. it kind of, um.. blew up."

"Yeah I can see that." They both smile and laugh, Jekyll then begins to pick up what fell.

"What are you up to brother?" Jekyll asks.

"Well, I was planting another flower when I heard the explosion. But I was thinking.. about Y/N."

"Really? And what about her?"

"Well... When I look at the flowers I think of her, and I think that's why I continue to plant more, but.. I-I think I love her Henry."

"I thought we knew that."

"No I mean.. like.. love, love her.. I want to propose to her Henry."

Jekyll turns around suddenly and looks at Hyde, then smiles. "That's wonderful Edward! I'm so happy for you!"

"But I'm scared.. what if she says no?"

"She'll say yes! I know she will. She blushes often around you, and loves to be around you."

"You think so?"

"I know so, I've seen it."

Hyde smiles and Jekyll hugs him. Jekyll explains that he'll help Hyde find a ring the next day, then the day after, Hyde can propose. Hyde smiles at the thought and Jekyll hugs him one more time before Hyde leaves.

As Jekyll promised, he helped Hyde the next day find a ring, the two had looked for at least and hour, when finally, Hyde felt he had found the right one. Jekyll sent Poole to ask Y/N to come the next day to Jekyll's house. For a whole evening, Jekyll prepared Hyde, because he's still very nervous.

Then the day comes. Hyde is waiting by the door, sort of pacing. 

"It'll be alright. Now go wait by the flowerbed like we planned." Jekyll gives Hyde a smile, and Hyde smiles back, then goes off to the flowerbed. 

Not a few minutes after, there's a knock on the door. It's already dark outside and there's only a few lights on, but just enough to see.
Jekyll answers the door and has Y/N follow him. She willingly does, then Jekyll leads her to the back.

"What's all this?" Y/N asks, looking at the lamps and flowers, she then notices Hyde by the flowerbed. She walks over to him. "Did you add some more flowers? It's so pretty!"

"They aren't more pretty than you." Hyde says, and Y/N blushes.

"Edward, that's sweet."

"Y/N.. we've known each other for some time.. we've done a lot together, and had some really good times, through the good and bad we've been there for the other."

"Yes? Edward is everything okay? You seem nervous."

"Well, I am. It's not easy to ask someone you love a certain question."

"I understand-, wait I'm sorry?"

"Y/N, I love you so much, so, I need to ask you this question." Hyde gets on one knee in front of Y/N and pulls out a ring. Y/N gasps. "Y/N, will you marry me?"

Y/N has tears in her eyes and doesn't know what to say, she can't find the words, so Y/N reacts with nodding quickly. Hyde stands with a smile and puts the ring on Y/N's hand, then they hug each other tightly and happily.

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