Time is progressing

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Hyde's POV

Once I get home, I shut the door behind me after walking inside, then I lean against it for a minute. I sigh. What a night, I don't even feel like going to sleep, I'm so happy and excited! My heart is jumping inside me! I look up to see someone in the shadows. Then they light a candle, it's only Henry in the shadows. He walks over to me.

"Hey Edward. How did it go?" He asks curiously.

"Very well. I.. I shared my first kiss tonight." I blush as I finish saying this.

"Really? Edward that's amazing!" Henry almost yells.
We both laugh a little, then he hugs me. "I'm so proud of you."

"Th-Thanks." I smile as I hug him back. I fell loved now. I don't feel like there's someone in the back of my mind trying to scare or hurt me, which now there isn't. I'm so happy that I don't have to deal with that pain any longer. 

"I hope your relationship can progress, Edward."

"Thank you Henry." I reply, then we let each other go and head off to our bedrooms.

I lie on my back and stare at the ceiling, thinking about my night. How I loved our little loving moment. The adorable sparkle in her eyes. I can cherish this thought forever.

A few weeks pass, I've met with Y/N quite often, that test she took? She passed with a high score, and Henry and I are both proud of her. She spent a lot of time in the lab with Henry, making sure the space was clean so he wouldn't accidentally mix substances that were lethal. I admire that and helped her sometimes. Then there were times when I went to her house with her and helped her in her lab, she's exclaimed many times how she was happy for the help.

I sit in the main room by the fire when Henry comes to me and stands in front.

"Fine evening Edward."

"It is Henry. Is something wrong?"

"No, quite the opposite actually. Tomorrow I am having a dinner party, of course being my brother I thought you'd like to join us, but I also thought you might like to know who is coming."

"I would if you could say."

"I've invited Utterson, Lanyon, Robert, Y/N.." Henry goes on to name a few others, but I don't hear any more names, I only think about Y/N. Then I remember he mentioned Robert.

"Henry, isn't Robert gravely ill?"

"Not anymore. Y/N says that he's been getting better."

"That's wonderful!"

"It is. So I've invited him because he should be well enough to come. Y/N's elixir is proving very effective and saving him."

"I'm so happy for that success!"

"Yes, and the classes she took helped her find the right chemicals for her to do such."

"Well I'm happy she's coming."

"Good, now would you like to join me tonight for dinner?"

"I would brother."


Henry and I both walk to the table and eat our dinner for that night. Then do the normal routine of getting ready for bed and doing such.

The next evening, I have prepared about an hour beforehand, then there's a knock on the door. I go to the door and answer it as Henry walks into the room.
"Evening." I say, Utterson is the one at the door. Utterson replies with the same greeting and walks in, he gives me a bit of a look but I ignore it. I shut the door as Henry greets him and takes him to the main room. Henry also tells Poole to wait until the others come, then send them to the main room. Poole nods and waits not far from the door. 
I go into the main room with Henry and Utterson. 

"Edward! Please come sit while I go pick a fine wine for us." Henry says, I reluctantly sit in a chair by the fire. I'm not reluctant because of Utterson, but because I don't want it to be awkward, and I am and am not a guest for Henry, so I don't want to seem like I'm only a guest.

Utterson opens his mouth and speaks. "So you're the brother then?"

I look in Utterson's direction and reply, "Yes I am. Did Henry tell you?"

"Yes he did. He told me that he separated you two because of a certain Y/N L/N?"

"Yes, that is the reason. She's a wonderful woman, and I admit, I.. I fell in love with her."

"Did you? I am interested as to how, or what else happened after you were separated."

"I thought you didn't like Henry's motives."

"Not his motives, but rather some decisions he's made. But seen as you haven't killed half of London I am curious as to how you feel and what your life has become."

"I see." I reply as Henry returns with a wine.

~~~Hey everyone!!! I reread the comments of this time on the last chapter, and there were some good story ideas so I think I'll just do them at some point in time XD~~~

~~~This is something else that is also kind of random. I will be ending this story soon and probably start another, but for my own pleasure I began an unpublished story called "Partners in Crime" and although it wasn't one of the suggestion it was for my own pleasure, but a friend said I should publish it for you guys. It is a Jekyll and Hyde story, but I thought I would ask you guys before I just published it.

Let me know what you think~~~

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