Edward Hyde has become his own

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Your POV

I walk home thinking about where my chemicals are at my house. It's nice though, knowing that tonight I don't have to worry about Hyde hurting me. Knowing the two are the same person is a little shocking, but I reckon I'll get used to that soon unless Dr. Jekyll separates them. 

Once I get inside I bring out the chemicals I have, then go to bed.

The next morning I grab it all and walk off to my friend, and walk into the shop.

"Good morning Y/N!" He says.

"Good morning sir, might you have some magnesium?" I reply.

"I do! Not much left either, how much do you need?"

"How about a little more than usual today."

"That's quite a bit, even what you normally get is quite a bit." He says as he reaches for the bin of magnesium.

"I know, I'm getting some for myself and a friend, we're doing some experiments together today."

"That sounds interesting, I hope it goes well." He puts the jar of magnesium on the counter and I give him the right amount, plus a little because he's always so nice to me. Then I take the jar and go. 

Since it's a bit to carry I call a carriage to take me to Dr. Jekyll's. When Poole answers the door I enter the house and go to Dr. Jekyll's lab. He opens the door happily and greets me as I come inside.
"You've gotten so much, I only need a little" Jekyll says.

"I know" I reply. "I usually get a lot for myself."

"I see." 

Jekyll takes what he needs and begins to mix certain ingredients together.

"I had a question Y/N" Hyde says so I turn around to face him. 

"What would that be Mr. Hyde?" I ask.

"Why do you wear male's clothes? Is there a particular reason?"

"I like the feel of them more, and they don't get in the way. A dress is in the way all the time and I hate that, so I wear men's clothes."

"Well they look good on you. Not saying you look like a man."

"Thanks. And I understand, it's okay."

"There" Jekyll says and we both look in his direction. "Now Hyde, I need you to take over, then Y/N will do the proper procedures to get the blood I need."


The two feel a little pain, but switch again. I then grab the bandage and tie it tightly around one of his arms, then I check to see if there's still blood pressure, then after the whole procedure, I take the syringe and I take Hyde's blood. Just enough for one of the small bottles, then I bandage his arm and set the capped blood on the cupboard for Jekyll. The two switch again and Jekyll continues his work on the formula.

I go and lean on the side of the mirror with Hyde while we watch Jekyll work. Jekyll only has me come over a few times to help him with a chemical or other.

After almost 2 hours.

"Finally done!" Jekyll yells excitedly. Hyde and I both look very excited, I go over to him.

"So how will it work?" I ask curiously.

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