Saving Hyde's Hide

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Jekyll's POV

"E-Edward!" I try to go faster than I have but I almost fall over due to my legs being weak. But Edward stands and gets over as fast as he can and catches me before I fall. "Th-Thanks... you m-made it through."

"And by your looking I didn't become as weak."

Y/N and Hyde helps me to a seat, then Poole walks into the room, and notices all three of us. He looks surprised and even scared.

"S-Sir! Do my eyes fool me or is that-"

"Yes Poole this is Edward Hyde." I say.

"B-But how?! Why?"

"It was my decision. What you and others didn't know was that deep inside me, I felt pity for Edward. Every time he held his throat because I threatened suicide I felt pity. Even when we fought and I stared into his eyes before looking away, I felt pity."

"You felt pity for me?... even after all I've done?... all those people.."

"Forget about that Edward. That's all over, if you're willing to change."

"I-I want to.. but a few have seen my face and have surely told the police, how will I go outside even at night?"

"How many people saw you?"

"I think two did."

"Well, even if they already started drawing pictures, it was the night, so we can tell them otherwise."

"How do we do that?"

"Get more than two people to be a witness at that time. If I, Y/N, and Poole say it wasn't you and that it was someone else, then we can describe someone else. Wrinkles, kind of older looking, because you look young, but the shadows make you look older. And even if those two are there then maybe we could say enough to convince them that it was someone different, then they'll tell false information."

"Dr. Jekyll that's brilliant!" Y/N yells happily.

 We begin to talk about what to say and what to explain and how to explain it. Y/N comes over often for the next week while Edward and I recover from the pain that we felt. Once we are both ready to go back out, we get ready to go, Poole meets all three of us in the main hall, then we head out. All four of us walk to the police station, then once we enter, a policeman greets us.

"Good morning gentlemen and Miss, what might I be able to help you with today?" The policeman asks.

"Good morning officer, we were wondering if we could see your forensic artist if you have one." I say.

"We do sir. Someone is with him but I think he will be able to see you soon."

"Wonderful." The officer takes us back into the room the artist is in, and there's a woman in there with him. We thank the policeman quietly and he leaves. After describing another feature, the woman looks at us to see who it is, but then shrieks in response. The man turns around as well.

"That's him! He killed my cousin!!!" She yells, pointing to Edward.

The man takes a moment to analyze Edward. "You're right Miss! He has the same descriptions you gave me!"

"Woah!" Y/N says. "This isn't the man you are looking for! This is..-"

"My brother." I say. "And my brother is a noble gentleman, but we were also there once or twice witnessing a murder and realized that he looked slightly similar in the darkness. So we cam to shed some light on the subject because when we got close we saw that he looked nothing like Edward in the light."

"Alright then, what do you say he looks like?" The forensic artist asks.

"May we look at your artwork?"

The forensic artist nods, and we come over. Poole starts. "Ah, you see, this is very good sir, but for starters, there's a little more skin on his face, he looked rather thin from the shadows but he was a little more than that."

The artist lightly erases and replaces with his pencil, slightly changing the design of the man in the picture. Then Y/N speaks. "And his face, it's older. This man in the picture is young and Edward is far too young to be this man, he has more wrinkles." Y/N  points out where the wrinkles are, and now it is starting to look the opposite of Edward.

"Is there anything more to add?" The artist asks.

Edward gets close, then points to the eyes. "His eyes.. they don't look like his. They look like someone who might've come from heaven, but the main thing I remember was his eyes. They had a devilish look in them."

The artist changes that one final thing, then we all step back to look at it.

"Does that look like him?"

The woman gets a little closer, then steps back again, then closer again. 

"Is there anything I missed ma'am?"

She looks at Edward, then back to the photo. "No.." she says. "If I remember correctly, this is exactly how he looks." then she turns to us. "Forgive me for accusing and describing your brother, they look very identical when compared to darkness."

"It's no problem Miss, we are happy we could share some light on the subject." I say. Then all of us turn around and walk out of the station. After we are out of the station I hear Edward give a sigh of relief, and I pat his back lightly in response. "Feel better now?"

"Yes, I do. I am also curious though as to why you called me your brother. We have a different last name because I had to name myself something different."

"Well, to others you can be my step-brother. But you and I are the closest family we have."

Edward smiles a little as we walk. Soon enough we get to our house, and now that Edward is going to change, there's a new atmosphere in the house, one of a sort of happiness.

How will Edward change? If he does? 

XD hope you enjoyed!!!

ALSO!!! I wanted to let you guys decide, because I personally love both Jekyll and Hyde so I want all of you to decide who to be with.

Jekyll or Hyde


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