Will Hyde get a body?

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Your POV

We laugh for a small time, and Jekyll and I turn to Hyde to see him smiling!

"Aww Hyde you're smiling!" I say. "It's so charming when you smile!"

Hyde blushes a little more. "S-Stop! You'll make me tingle more!"

I laugh again. Then Jekyll speaks. "The annoying thing is that since we're the same person, whenever he tingles or something happens to him, I feel a bit of that, or if he's cut then I get it too."


"It's the same for you."

"Dang it."

"What if Hyde had his own body? Would you feel the same thing then?" I ask curiously. 

Both the boys stop joking for a second, then Hyde looks at Jekyll curiously, but also a little excitement in his eyes, then Jekyll answers. "I don't know. When Hyde was super evil I didn't ever consider giving him his own. I'm not God but perhaps... perhaps I can make a substance that will recreate the molecules of skin and the organs and make it happen."

Jekyll stands and walks to his desk. "Though, if this is to happen then I will need Edwards blood, it doesn't matter where the small piece of skin comes from."

"Why would you need my blood? You and I are the same person."

"I would need your blood because there are certain little differences that is in our blood. Like our hair color is different, and so are little parts of our face, which would be shown in our blood, and the formula may be in both our blood, but in your blood it's what makes it yours."

"That was interesting and not at the same time. I have no idea what you just explained."

"He's basically saying that because of the formula, it tampered with Jekyll's blood making your own when he became you." I explain.

"Ahh, I see."

I nod, then watch Jekyll pull out different chemicals. They have different colors, different vial sizes. There are also some things like salt or compounds of some sort. I stand up and stand next to him. "I'll need a few other chemicals.. I have only mostly what I need to recreate the structure of the body and organs and all that."

"What chemicals do you need?" I ask.

"I'll need a tad bit of Sulphur, and some Phosphorous Iron, and, I think I need Magnesium." Jekyll replies.

"I think I have everything but Magnesium, I just ran out, but there's a guy I know that I get great deals with because I help him with medical issues, so I can get that first thing in the morning."

"Great! It shouldn't be long Hyde, then you might have a body of your own."


"Well it shouldn't, but the experiment can always fail."

"Well I guess that's true."

"I'll head home and bring the stuff in the morning. Oh and Dr. Jekyll, you may want to change out of that murder scene before someone notices."

Dr. Jekyll chuckles and nods, he and Hyde both wave goodbye and I do the same as I leave.

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