Bonus Chapter: Merry Christmas Love

Start from the beginning

Arms wrap around me, I look up into the stormy eyes, I adore. My Draco has indeed only got better looking with age after all these years he still can make me swoon like a love struck teenager.

"Hello Love" he kisses my lips. "I've missed you".I smile, Running my hand though his blonde locks.

"You came home early today"

He kisses my cheek taking my hand leaving me to the sofa. Pulling me down into his warm embrace. "They sent everyone home for Christmas". I look at the clock it was 3 o clock meaning my children would be home soon.

"I need to go tell the house elf to make dinner the children will be here soon" he chuckles.

"I already done it my dear" he leans to kiss me when a puff causing me to face the fire. Out stepped my darling daughter. Athena.

It was scary to say but she looked just like me at that age, her hair had grown over the last 4 months. Smiling I stand up and rush to her side.

A grin takes over her features as she steps out of the mantle place. "MOTHER!" she pulls me into a hug which I reciprocate. I pull away and stare at her face.

"My you're getting more beautiful everyday" I peck her cheek before she releases me from her hug and runs to Draco who's smiling. My heart flutters slightly.

Another puff and my baby boy steps out. He steps out smiling, he sure wasn't little anymore in his 6th year in school. It hurt my heart that he was growing up so quickly. Scorpius had a girlfriend Penelope, Amandas daughter. Obviously I was thrilled at the news as was Amanda. Theo on the other hand resented the idea of his daughter dating.

"Mother" he grins walking towards me hugging me tightly. "I've missed you"

I chuckle. "I've missed you too". I pinch his cheeks. "So how's my future daughter-in-Law"

He flushes and clears his throats. "Mother stop we're just dating" I raise an eyebrow and wink.

"You're father said the exact same thing to your grandmother when he was dating me" he didn't reply. "She's still coming tonight?"

He nods. "yes why"

I shrug. "Just curious"

His eyes widen. "You're not going to do anything are you?"

"Little old me? Of course not!" I fold my arms. "It's not like I'm going to pull out your baby pictures again". I walk off towards the kitchen.

"Father! mothers threatening to show my baby pictures again!" He groans. Draco and Athena laugh loudly throughout the mansion.

"My boy what am I supposed to do, once you're mother has her mind set to something good luck trying to change it". Scorpius groans.

Although I was older and a mother. I refused to change who I was. I wore a emerald green dress that was off the shoulders floor length with a slit up the side, I paired it with silver jewellery. My hair was pinned at the side and set in waves.

Reapplying my deep red lipstick I open my bedroom door and walk towards Athenas room. Knocking on the door I wait.

"Come on"

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