-31- Finale

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It's been three years since that day that you left Izuku at that ally way. You were now married to Izuku and had had a child with him. Her name was Yuuki. She's almost two years old and you both took turns caring for her. You and Izuki were now both well known heroes. Your hero name being Clockwork and Izuku's being Deku. The same one he choose in high school. You were both well known for being the youngest pro heroes and being that young and getting so popular with the public. Most at Izuku's and your age would still be in school learning how to become a pro hero but the both of you had "all the training needed", as said by the administration that aloud you two to become pro heroes. Izuku used physical strength and strength enhancement to fight while you were able to use your agility and time stopping ability to fight. You refused to use one for all so you mainly depended on your quick healing to keep you safe. Every day a thought would enter your mind when your fighting, 'Will I make it home and be able to live to keep Yuuki safe?' You always dreaded the possible answer of no. You didn't want to pass and leave Yuuki with no mother (or if you want you can also take the role as father instead) to care for her when her father couldn't. Right now that didn't matter, being the number 4 hero was hard enough work, putting more stress on yourself would mess with your work. Today, though, you were off of work caring for Yuuki while Izuku went out to help a certain hero with a job. You didn't know the details because it was confidential but you knew that a few of Izuku's friends and your classmates from high school were also helping out with the job. You were cleaning the house when you looked at the TV and saw what was on. Izuku was fighting some street villains with Todoroki and Uraraka from high school. You slightly smiled seeings how well he was working with his old time friends. Later that night Izuku came back home, Yuuki in bed. "Hey, Izuku. How was work today?" He shrugged. "The ones we fought today were pretty low level thugs so not much of a challenge." You walked closer to him wrapping you arms around him pressing your face against his chest. You were over worked from cleaning the house endlessly and tired from caring for Yuuki who usually wanted something different every five minuets. The two of you walked towards your room and Izuku went to go change out of his costume while you slid into your nightwear. You got under the covers and bundled up waiting for Izuku to come and warm you up. He walked towards the bed and slowly got under the covers. You inched closer to him and he turned to face you with a smile and enveloped you in a warm and slightly tight hug. You both then slowly fell asleep.

//Time Skip//

Morning came and you found Izuku's side of the bed empty and cold. 'Where did he go..? Maybe he got up a little early and went to go make breakfast?' You slowly got out of bed slipping on a pair of sweat pants. You went out to the living room. You found Yuuki sitting on the couch watching TV but no Izuku. "Mommy (or daddy)! Who's that pretty girl with daddy?" She pointed to a picture that was shown on the TV. It was a picture of Izuku with floaty girl from high school. They looked cheerful and and happy. The headline said "The Number 1 Hero Deku Seen With the Number 8 Hero, What Could This Mean?"

End of book 1.

Hey!!! Thank you for reading Baku X Reader X Deku! I never would've thought that this fanfiction would've gotten this far! Thank you to everyone that voted on my book and added it to their reading lists. ^^ This chapter was a little short due to the fact that I wanted to end it on a cliff hanger but also on a good note. (Not as in happy obviously but as in it sounds good and doesn't sound messy) The book won't start until January when winners for the cover art contest are announced. I'm thinking of a title for the second book and I think i'm gonna go with "Why Would You Do This?" It's gonna be put as Deku X Reader but it's still a continuation on this book. Again, thank you all, bye! See you all again in January!-Shi Toshi

[Book 1] Baku x Reader x DekuWhere stories live. Discover now