-11- Long Days Of Torture: Day 4

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Your fight with the weird man still kept going on. You were now beaten half to death and the man barely had a scratch. You managed to land a few kicks and punches but they never did any damage. 'He's messing with me..' You thought. You stood bent over a fourth of the way struggling to stand up. As you were about to fall down you heard a door open.

Bakugo's POV

I went to find a warehouse near the school. The streets were dark and very few cars raced up an down the road. I looked around just to be cautious that no idiot was following me and turned the corner. I saw one big warehouse that looked a little run down. Some lights were on and it looked as if some one was in there. If there was any chance that (Y/N) was in there, I was gonna take it. I opened the door.


You looked towards where the door was and there you saw Shiguraki. You were hoping so much that it was some that could help you but instead it was the same man that had brought you here. He didn't look at but went strait towards the man that now stood calmly five feet away from you. He had a slight grin on his face when Shiguraki had told him something. You couldn't make out whatever he said because your state had affected your sight as well as your hearing. You felt limp all over and fell strait to the ground with a loud THUD.

Bakugo's POV

I walked in to see a bunch of men working at tables but no sign of (Y/N) any where. 'Damn it!' I screamed in my head. There was only one more warehouse that I could check. '(Y/N) has to be there or that guy will have hell to pay!' Was all I could think at the moment. I stormed out of the warehouse as everyone in the warehouse stared as I left. I came out of the alley way to be meet with a familiar face. "Hey bro! Where you goin' this late at night?!" Kirishima said in a cheery tone. "No where! None of your business Shitty Hair!" I blared at him but he didn't seem to back off. "It is my business because you are my friend and so is (Y/N)." I sighed. "Fine! You can come with me, just stay out of my way." He plastered a great big smile on his face and happily skipped along for the ride.


You woke up to the sound of metal clanging on another piece of metal. It started to get closer until it was right behind you. You looked to see the man from before with a metal chain. He used it to tie your writs together. He noticed you were awake and smiled. "Well, well, look who's awake." You snarled at him. You tried to use your quirk but found it useless. Just as last time. "Today i'm gonna see how you do against my nomu after I give you this one last quirk." The sound of 'quirk' made you shiver in fear as the last time he gave you a quirk you fell unconscious. "Please..just...just end it..I don't wanna hurt anymore..I don't want to break and fall apart anymore..I just wanna die...I can't handle this anymore..please. If you could do one thing for me...just please..." He laughed at this because he was amused. This is what he was looking for. Your despair brought him joy. "I'm sorry but I can't do that. It's no fun if I just end it here." He chuckled and kneeled down towards you. Your eyes were filled with tears that were now streaming down your cheeks. "You no what I can do?" You had no idea what was on his mind so you just answered, "W-what..?" He smiled. "I can make you rest for a long time. Though you will wake up sooner or later, you will feel nothing that happens to you or hear or see anything. You will be asleep and your body will feel numb. But first I want you to defeat this nomu." He gestured to a corner of the room where a large nomu appeared from the dark into the light.

Bakugo's POV

I showed up at the front door of the warehouse. The last one in the area. Kirishima knew exactly what I was here for and before I could, he opened that door. There was a group of people just standing there looking as if they have been waiting for us. "Who the hell are you?!" I yelled at the group. "We are the League Of Villains. We are the ones who took your precious friend. (S/G) isn't here though so if you want them back your gonna have to go through us first!" He stated. You didn't have to ask once if you wanted me to fight. I dashed strait towards the guy with the hands who seemed to be the leader. Leaving Kirishima open to the other villains.

Here's your chapter! Hope you liked it! I wanna say this is starting to sound a lot less like a ship and more like an action/depressing story. Well I guess that works! But anyways! Let me get to the point. This chapter was completely made right off the bat. I didn't take much time on it so it might be a little sloppy. I may go back and edit the story a lot when it's finished but for now i'm gonna leave it. Hope you guys still liked it and can't wait to see you in the next chapter! Don't forget to vote and comment! Bye! -Shi Toshi

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