-22- Escapee

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Deku's POV

Everyone was waiting in the gathering hall. Aizawa was going of the roll call calling out everyone's names. "Tsuyu Asui." "Here *Ribbit*" "(Y/N)" No one answered. "(Y/N)?" Still no answer. I looked around franticly but couldn't find (Y/N). All I found was a scared and worried Kacchan. 'Why is he so worried? Did something maybe happen to (Y/N)? Did (S/G) go missing again? Did the villains get to (S/G) again?!' thought ran through my head like a bunch a trains trying to get to their stop all at once. I started to freak out. "Guess there's no (Y/N). I'll mark (S/G) absent." He finished roll call and put down his board. "Let's go." He said in an unenthusiastic tone like always. I walked along with the class looking back behind me waiting to see if (Y/N) might come down those stairs but there was no (Y/N) as I walked out the doors. When we got to the classroom I looked around to see if (S/G) might have just been in the classroom before us but (S/G) wasn't there. I started to grow more worried by the second as I sat down and got ready for the start of class.


You had gone to your room but instead of getting your uniform on you grabbed any you could find in your drawers that was black and put it on. You wore a black hoodie with a black beanie and black ripped jeans. You even went as far as to use a temporary blue and green hair die to die your hair. You put on a whole lot of black makeup and put some spiked cuffs on your wrists that you found in your bathroom. They had Katsu-kuns name written in them. 'Why do I have Katsu-kuns cuffs?' That was beyond the point so you just forgot about them being Bakugo's. You grabbed a long rope you found in a closet and went to your balcony. You dropped the rope down and slid down it. You saw All Might, Endeavor, and the Principal walking towards the dorms and hide behind the building. They surprisingly didn't see you and walked into the building. As soon as they were far enough in, you ran to the wall that surrounded the school and used the rope to get to the other side. An alarm went off and you started to panic. 'Remember I have a time control quirk. Clamed down. This is no biggy. I can just pause time and get away before they get me.' Or so you thought. All Might and Endeavor as soon as they heard the alarm, rushed out side of the dorms and ad straight for the front gate. As soon as they saw you, you started to freak out. All Might dashed over. "Hold it right there villain!" He said in a heroic tone. You were seriously freaking out now.

Deku's POV

The alarm had gone off and the class was looking out the windows. "Woah! Is that All Might?! And who's that he's after?!" said Uraraka. "There's someone on the gate walls! They're wearing all black!" Screamed Mineta. 'What? Is it a villain?' My curiosity got the best of me and I went to go look out the window too. Just then everything goes black for instant and then back to normal and I look out the window and there was no one on the gates wearing all black just a confused All Might looking around franticly.


You had paused time for an instant. Just enough time for you to get over the wall and far enough away that they wouldn't be able to find you for a good while. But now they had seen your disguise. You had to change it around a bit or you were gonna get found out. You couldn't go back to the school now. You rummaged through the pockets of your hoodie and found your wallet, phone, and a key chain with what seamed to be keys to a house and another set of keys and some keychains. You headed towards a costume store and pulled out what money you hand. It was a surprisingly large amount. It was enough to get you a cheap hotel room for at least one night, some disguise changes, and food for a little while. You went into the costume shop and looked around for colored contact lenses, a wig, and something to replace some of what you were wearing. You found some surprisingly cheap red eye contact lenses, fishnet stockings (or if your a guy you can replace it with something else you would like to wear), short black shorts (Or whatever you boys want to replace it with), a blood red t-shirt, and black motorcycle gloves. You also found a cheap red wig with black highlights. You buy these things and went to a nearby ally way and changed and came out as a whole new person. Even the black makeup you had put on was changed to a black eyeliner and black lipstick. (Guys can wear lipstick too you know! -_-) You were ready to go.

Hey! So here's a question for you. Why exactly are you running away from UA? Huh? Well! That question will be answered in the next chapter so you got to wait! I know, I'm so mean. Well anyways hope you guys liked this chapter. I had fun typing it. Oh and since its the first day of October I started on Inktober! if you would like to see the art I did you can find me on Amino at the Anime Art Amino. My user is at https://aminoapps.com/c/anime-art/page/user/deggothic-weeaboodeg/BQ4b_lNZHbfdr7VgrP1Xd7d2la4KM5kJqe8. Well bye! See you guys! -Shi Toshi

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