-28- Close Call

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You woke up to the smell of homemade ramen. You walked into the kitchen and saw your mom finishing up the bowls of ramen she had made for the two of you. It smelled so good. You took a seat at the table. She set down two pairs of chop sticks at your's and her's seat. She set down each bowl and the warmth of the ramen made your face comfortably hot. You picked up your chopsticks and started to eat.

//Time Skip//

Your mom had sparked a long conversation about school which you obviously lied about. "Excuse me." You got up from the table to put your dishes in the sink. Your mom nodded and continued to eat the little that was left of her ramen. You opened the drawer that held all the kitchen knives and grabbed the sharpest one.

Bakugo's POV

Morning had passed and our first few classes were over. Aizawa stood at his podium with a grief looking face not sure what for. "...murdered...(y/n)...." I perked up when I heard (y/n) name. I didn't completely hear what the hell he was saying because I wasn't paying attention. I looked around the room to see the horrified faces of all the other students in the classroom. Deku seemed especially concerned. 'What could have happened?'


You looked at the chair, your mother limp and tears that had ran down her face. The knife that you had picked up was now in her back. You hadn't hesitated for one moment to kill her. You were surprised by your own strength. You looked at your mother and back your hands multiple times. "Did..I.....just do that?" You started to laugh demonically until you heard a knock on the door. You jumped. 'Who could it be?!' The person behind the door banged on the door even louder and yelled, "Police! Open up!" 'Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit!' Someone next door must have heard something and reported it. 'I have to leave!' You grabbed the knife from your mother's back and briskly walked to a near by window. Before leaving you grabbed a cloth to wipe off the blood from the knife. You were also smart and thought to take off your shoes as soon as you got through the window so that they can't track you down by shoe fibers. You turned to the apartment that you had just left. The police had broken in to the house and starting their search you were quick and grabbed your shoes because you weren't just gonna let them investigate the shoes and find a human fiber. You had to burn them.

Deku's POV

I was horrified when I heard (Y/N) name and murder in the same sentence. My hands were shaking and I stood up on instinct, screaming out, "They'd never kill anyone! They're not like that!!" Everyone was looking at me while tears ran down my face. "Deku..." Ochako's usually warm welcoming voice, was concerning. I was trembling as I bowed. "Sorry...for interrupting.." I slowly sat back down. "I realize your concern Midoriya but we can't take chances. We had physical evidence that it was (Y/N). They are to be treated as a criminal." Aizawa directed it not only at me, but Kacchan too. I guess he saw Kacchan's expression and knew his relationship with (Y/N). I nodded and kept my head down. A lot of the students around me gave me apologetic looks. I wanted more than anything to see (Y/N) so I can get the truth. I want that more than anything right now.


You kept running in the maze of ally ways. Your feet starting to hurt from constantly stepping on small and sharp items. When you knew you were far enough away and they weren't following you, you stopped and sat down. You were breathing heavily trying to catch your breath from the running and your heart was beating faster than ever. Or at least just as fast when you were kissed by you know who. You shook your head. 'I can't be thinking about that right now. It's too late to go back and see him...' You grabbed a pack of matches that you lucky found in a drawer at your mothers place. Tears running down your face, though you had no idea why. Did you still have remorse for that women or was it just the thought that you can't go back to UA? You lit a match and lit your shoes on fire. You watched as the warmth of the fire ring from the shoes warmed up your hands. 'What am I gonna do till the league makes their move?'

Hey! ^^ I hope you liked this chapter. I'm trying to get more chapters done so I'm gonna do multiple chapters today. Not sure how many but you'll have a bit to read if you don't already do. ^^' Anyways, bye! See you in the next chapter!-Shi Toshi

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