-4- Sports Are Supposed To Be Fun

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You watched as he drew the slots. You hoped that you weren't first to go up. "Young Midoriya and Iida!" He called out. You sighed with relief. "You two will be going against...(Y/N) and young Bakugo!" You couldn't believe your luck. "What?!" You reply. "Why do I have to be with damn Hourglass?!" Bakugo fired at All Might. "Hey!" You couldn't believe him! "Hmph!" You crossed your arms and looked the other way. All Might didn't like the atmosphere. "Come on Bakugo. If you want to win you need to learn to work together with your partner." Kirishima came up behind Bakugo putting his arm around him. "I can win even with out a partner!" He yelled as All Might drew one more slot to decide the sport they would play. "Your teams will be going against eat other in a game of...Volleyball!" All Might exclaimed. You felt a little better because you knew that volleyball was the sport you were best at.

Bakugo's POV

I looked at Hourglass who seemed a little more excited about volleyball than I was. Deku even seemed to be really excited. I couldn't let the class see how happy I was to be by Hourglasses side so I played it cool and angry like always. I walked forward grabbing the ball from All Might and heading towards the volleyball court with Hourglass, Deku, and Four Eyes. We waited while the rest of the classes teams were decided and they got their sports.

Kirishima and Jiro against Denki and Ochako - Basketball

Ojiro and Mina against Toru and Sato - Track

Tsuyu and Mineta against Momo and Aoyama - Baseball

And so on.

Ounce the whole class was at their respective spots we all waited fro All Might's signal. "Ready students?! On your mark! Get Set! Go!!" All of the teams started getting to their sports.


Bakugo held the ball so you waited for him to blast the ball into outer space so he didn't have to play, but instead you saw him use a strong blast soft enough to just barely pass the green haired boy who wasn't ready and scored your team a point. You wanted to give Bakugo a high five but he didn't look like he was in the mood. Instead you gave him a smile. He didn't show any sign of smiling back but you expected that. After the ball of retrieved it was the other teams turn to serve. The green haired boy had the ball and got ready serve. You watched as Bakugo got into his stance and you got into yours. The green haired boy used a very strong punch and hit the ball. The ball went flying into the air. You couldn't see it for a second but then it came rocketing back down to earth creating a huge "BOOM" when it hit the ground. You were almost hit by the blast but luckily you made it out with just a few scratches and scrapes. Bakugo saw you and he seemed scared. He thought you were hurt badly but you gave him a smile to reassure him that you were fine. You picked up the ball that was now in a deep crater. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" The green haired boy apologized bowing to you to show how sorry he was. "It's fine! Like you said, you didn't mean to. It's all good." You smiled at him. The throw that the green haired boy did was counted as a false throw and it was still the other teams turn. You passed the ball over to them and this time Iida was throwing. He gave the ball and swift throw and used his foot to kick it even farther. The came barreling towards you and Bakugo. You used your quirk and slid towards where the ball was going and stopped time in time to hit the ball to the other side giving it a good smacking. You released your when the ball got close to hitting the ground. The green haired boy and Iida were dumb founded until they noticed that the ball was already on their side on the ground. You scored your team yet another point making it 2:0. The game went on for the rest of the class time because All might thought it would be better to keep the same sport for the rest of class instead of switching. This gave the teams more time to finish their game. When class was over your game was still going. Almost the entire class was watching the intense game of volleyball. You were on the verge of collapsing after playing for such a long time. Bakugo was surprisingly still beaming with fire. The green haired boy on the other hand had broken both of his arms and was looking very tired and in pain. Iida hadn't done much so he was fine. You passed out on the soft sand of the court. The green haired boy was worried about you. He was concerned that you were injured when he should have been thinking about his injuries instead of yours. All Might and Eraser Head then came to stop the game. Recovery girl was with them as well. "What's this?" All Might exclaimed. Bakugo staring daggers into All Mights eyes signaling he wasn't finished. Aizawa-Sensei erased everyone's quirks. "This 'game' as you call it is over. You have had your fun and now it is time for you to get ready fro your next class." Recovery girl had you taken away to the infirmary along with Deku who walked aside the stretcher that pulled you. The whole class was shocked at the sight.

Hello everyone! Im so so sorry that this is late! I tried my best to get it on time but i've been so busy lately. I hope you can forgive me. The next chapter will come out soon so be ready for that. I will try to stay on schedule from now on so don't worry. See you all next time! - Shi Toshi

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