Halloween Extra

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You saw Bakugo standing against a wall. It didn't look like he was in his uniform but it would make sense since it was Halloween. Almost everyone was in costume. You looked closer and saw him in a white t-shirt, ripped green tail coat, grey collar with a chain attached, jeans, a blonde tail sticking out, and blonde fox ears to match. He looked adorable in that costume. You wondered, 'Who got him to wear that?' You saw him look at you. You were wearing a black cat costume. Pretty normal and boring nothing really unusual about it except for the spiked collar and bracelets instead of the traditional bell collar. You saw him look you up and down and your face turned a slight red. You proceeded to walk past him. He watched you walk past him and as you walked on he wistled. "Nice costume pretty kitty." He winked. You stopped in place but didn't turn around. "Thank...you." You didn't even bother to look him in the eyes you were so embarrassed. You then proceeded to walk on. You stopped in front of the classroom door and opened it to a familiar face. "Midoriya!" You proceeded to hug him with a grin. His face turned a tomato red. "H-hey (Y/N)! H-happy ha-halloween!" You let go of him. "Happy Halloween to you too. Nice costume!" You looked at his ghost costume that had a few cute patches. He still wore his over sized, bright red shoes. "Hello..." You turned around were met with a monochromatic classmate. His monotone voice struck a cord with you for who knows what reason. You looked him up and down and realized he wasn't wearing a costume. "Hey Todoroki, where's your costume?" He looked at you confused. "You can't tell me you didn't know it was halloween! Urgh...Come on Todoroki. Your lucky I brought a spare costume." You took out a vampire costume from your bag. You even had the cape. Deku pitched in and gave Todoroki fangs and Iida gave Todoroki hair gel. You waited outside the bathroom with everyone, waiting for Todoroki to come out. "Come on. Class is about to start!" Iida tried to get everyone to class but no one budged. They were too determined to see what Todoroki looked like because he was the only one that didn't come to school in a costume. Just then you heard the door handle click and turned to ur attention to the opening door. Todoroki stepped out in a black and white tux with a red and black cape. The white face paint that Mina had left over made Todoroki's costume even more believable. The fangs made the whole vampire look and the gel holding his bangs back made the costume even better. You crossed your arms and smirked. "Looking good Todoroki!" Mina exclaimed. "I don't think this is necessary..." Todoroki looked at his costume and felt the fabric of the cape. "Oh shut up Icy-Hot unless you wanna die.." Bakugo came out of the bathroom behind Todoroki. It seems he helped Todoroki with makeup. You headed back to class and met with Aizawa-Sensei. He wasn't wearing a costume but he had a pair of cat ears on. "pfft-" You couldn't help but laugh quietly to yourself. 'Who put those on him?!' You looked to you right and saw Present Mic. He was sticking his head into the classroom and only his head. He too had the same cat ears and he was winking. 'Oh so I guess that's who put them on Aizawa-Sensei..' You laughed to yourself once again.

Hey, thanks for reading! Hope you guys had a happy Halloween and a safe one. I was Bakugo for Halloween! What were you? Anyways hope you liked this chapter! Bye!-Shi Toshi

[Book 1] Baku x Reader x DekuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz