-13- Dancing In The Dark

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Deku's POV

(Y\N) body looked limp and devoid of life. Tears filled my eyes as they ran down my cheeks. I fell to my knees in shock a disbelief. I wasn't ready to believe the possibility (S\G) might be dead! Uraraka came down by my side and rubbed my back trying to calm me down. Her eyes were starting to water. Even though she never really met (Y\N), she knew she was a good person and kind at heart. Never gave up and stood by my side. Bakugo completely ignored everyone and went strait to the dorms to put (Y\N) in their dorm. I didn't want to disturbed Bakugo so I thought I'd go to see (Y\N) in the morning.

Bakugo's POV

I sat (Y\N) on (S\G) bed and was about to leave the room when I thought to myself, 'I should probably stay by (Y\N) side tonight just in case..' A slight red crossed my face and I set up a small futon on the floor next to the bed. (Y\N) room was surprisingly clean and covered in black and green. I soon fell asleep and woke up to my phone going off. I squinted at the bright light of my phone to see Kirishima had texted me. "Shitty Hair: Hey bro! I noticed you weren't in your room so I was wondering where are you? We have to bring (Y\N) to the teachers" I growled at the thought of having to get up. I got out of the futon and put my slippers on. I picked up (Y\N) from the bed. (S\G) still seemed to be limp. I exited the room carrying (Y/N) bridal style down the hall. The fact (S/G) hadn't woken up yet scared me. 'What the hell..? What did he do to you...?' I saw Shitty Hair waiting for me with a hesitant smile on his face. I passed right by him and headed to Recovery Girls office. Kirishima rushed up to me and quietly followed. He was awfully quiet today.

///Time Skip//

We were in Recovery Girls office with All Might and Aizawa Sensei. (Y/N) laid in one of the hospital like beds, hooked up to an IV filled with Deku's blood. Recovery Girl had found that (Y/N) had lost a lot of blood so (S/G) needed a blood transplant. Deku decided to give (Y/N) his because he was the only other one with (S/G) blood type. The whole group that went to find (Y/N) was in the room getting a scolding from All Might and Aizawa. Especially me and Shitty Hair. Once we had finished getting scolded at, we ended up with no sort of punishment except for extra homework. We got off pretty easily because they were more worried about us being safe and that (Y/N) was ok. All Might seemed especially worried but I didn't know why.

Deku's POV

After leaving Recovery Girls office my heart started to beat really fast. 'What have I done?! Will All Might be mad at might?! Did I make the right choice?! No! I did the right thing! I saved a friend so I shouldn't be freaking out like this..' All Might told me to meet up with him during lunch to talk. I already knew it was about (Y/N). So, I headed to his office. He was sitting on the couch sipping on a cup of tea, his quirk deactivated. I walked in. He didn't smile like he usually did. Something about the atmosphere didn't seem right. "Young Midoriya, have a seat.." I sat down on a small seat across from the couch. He held his head down. "I know what you want to speak about..it's about (Y/N) isn't it..?" I said in a hesitant voice.

Sorry for this chapter being a little short. I didn't know what to type so I had a hard time typing up this chapter. I will make sure the next is a little longer and goes into more detail on what All Might is scared about, although you may have guessed why. See ya next time! -Shi Toshi

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