The Day Life Changed

Start from the beginning

The man reaches for me before mom throws a kitchen knife at him. It cuts his cheek to make him look at her. "IZUKU, RUN!" I start running to mom with her taking a second knife out to defend herself and me. "You wanna play hero woman? FINE, LETS SEE HOW FAR THAT GETS YOU!" The man goes too fast for me to see and ends up punching mom. After a second, I realized what he did as his arm was through her chest and out the other side. "M-m-mom?" She looks over to me and whispers something to me with tears down her eyes. The villain pulls his arm back to have a giant hole in mom's chest.

"MOM!" I run over to her with seeing nothing in her eyes as her own blood covers the floor. "Enhanced Healing!" I tried to heal mom the best I could, but all I could do was close the hole a little. "Mom, please stay with me. Dads on his way. He's gonna make you all better." "Hate to break it to you kid, but she's dead already." My hands start shaking as he says this while going into the kitchen. "Ooops." He breaks a nozle on the stove to put it on high before lighting a few fires in the house. "I was going to break your neck kid, but I thought a slow painful death would be more fun."

He tries to walk out before I speak to him. "What's your name?" He turns to me curious. "What is your name, so I know who to stop." He smiles at me before answering. "All Might, not that it'll matter in the next few minutes. AHAHAHAHA!" He leaves with mom still in front of me. Seeing her like she was felt wrong. I wanted her back, I wanted he safe again. But more importantly, I wanted revenge for what All Might did to her. "ALL MIGHT! I'M GONNA STOP YOU, WITH MY BARE HANDS YOU MONSTER!" The door opened with my dad coming in and grabbing me. "Eraser, take my son and get out of here!" "Roger." A man with scruffy hair grabbed me and ran out the door with dad grabbing mom behind him. Once we were out, the house blew seconds after.

"AFO, you ok?" Dad looked down at mom and started to cry. "How could this happen. *hic* She was a good woman. She didn't deserve to die like this." He began to hold her close with me crying as well. "Dad, the man that did this was All Might." Both dad and the man looked at me confused. "He found where I lived." "That may have been what Paragon meant by more important things." "...This is on me." "AFO, you didn't know. If you did, you would've taken them away from your house the second you knew." "That doesn't change much Eraser. My wife is dead because of my mistake back then and now."

I didn't understand what dad meant by back then, but I pulled myself out of the man he kept calling Eraser's arms to walk up to dad. "Dad, I want to be the one to stop All Might." "Izuku, please don't. Your mother died protecting you so you could live for yourself. She didn't save you to get reveng-" "I DON'T CARE DAD! I WANT TO DO THIS BECAUSE I COULDN'T HELP HER WHEN SHE NEEDED ME THE MOST!" I felt tears drop down my face as I said this. "I...I hate it. I hate the fact that monster gets to live over mom. What right did he have to take her from us. It isn't fair! I just..I want mom back, but I know that's never gonna happen."

I start to feel a hand on my shoulder to see it was dads. "Then let me tell you about OFA and why your mother and you were targeted."

4 years later

Ever since dad told me of the origin of All Might's damned quirk, me and him have been living in an apartment some distance away from our old home. Today, me and Kaachan decided to hang out at a cafe near our school since he wanted to treat me for my birthday. "So Izuku, how's your father doing?" "Fine, I guess. He never really comes home anymore." Ever since the incident with mom, dads been pulling doubles as much as he could to find All Might. It pissed me off that he was doing this, but he said he had a job to do. "Oh yeah, the hag says happy birthday man." "*sigh* Thanks." I look out the window in frustration knowing that this day was now the worst day of the year for me.

"So, what do you think your dad is gonna give you this year for a quirk?" "Tch, he's given me nothing but crap quirks since mom died. I don't give a damn anymore." "Common Izuku, they can't be that bad." I look over to Kaachan before saying what they were. "A Foresight quirk that goes only a few seconds in the future, an Agility quirk, a Double Speed quirk, and a Pain Deluding quirk. Do those sound very useful against a monster like All Might?" Kaachan looked down before answering. "Sorry." "...No, I should be sorry. I know your trying to help man, and I respect that. But I think I should leave."

I start to get up before I get a call from an unknown number. "Hello?" "Hello, is this Izuku Midoriya?" "Yes?" "Hello, I'm the head doctor of Mustafar general hospital and am calling you about your father." I stop and slowly ask the doctor. "What happened?" "I'm sorry sir, but their's been an incident with a villain and he's in intensive care. We need you to come down to the hospital right away." I shut my phone off and start running to the hospital. "Izuku, where ya going!?" Kaachan pays for us before following me as fast as he could. "Dad got hurt pretty bad, I need to get to the hospital." Kaachan grabs me with one arm and propels us faster forward with his quirk. "What hospital?" "Mustafar general." We head in the direction as fast as we could out of fear what we would find.

Once at the hospital, were met by dads sidekick Sir Nighteye holding his head down. "Nighteye, what happened to dad?" "Izuku, your father....he's." Nighteye keeps holding tears back before answering. "What happened!?" He takes a breath before speaking. "I think it would be best for you to see for yourself." He leads us through the hospital to meet in front of a room with Eraser and a man in a suit outside it. "Eraser, what happened to dad?" He stayed silent with me getting angrier. "CAN SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY FATHER!?" Eraser opened the door to point inside.

Once I entered. I saw dads head bandaged with barely any of the top half of his head not covered. Machines were all inside him with several monitors connected to them. "DAD!" I ran to the bed with him hearing my voice. "I-Izuku, what are you doing here?" "The hospital called. What happened to you?" He bit his lip before what seemed like streams of red came down where his eyes should be. "I'm sorry Izuku. I tried to get revenge for your mother, but I failed you again." I heard this and felt my heart drop. "...Why is it always him." I clenched my fists in anger as I began shouting.

"WHY, WHY CAN'T THAT MAN JUST LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE!? MOM DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE, YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO BE PUT INTO THIS, AND NOW....and now I can't even look my own father in the eyes anymore. I hate him. I hate All Might!" my father felt my tears fall and moved his hand to my face. "Izuku, I have a friend that I want you to meet. His name is Atama Yaoyorozu, and he'll be your guardian while I'm in here." Dad tries to smile at me with sadness still showing. "Who's gonna be a hero that saves the day though dad? Your our pillar, our symbol. Endeavor can't compare to you, nobody can." "I know, that's why I want to give you this quirk. It was originally yours, but I took it from you out of fear you may lose control and hurt those dear to you."

He places his hand on my head as it glows red. When it was finished I looked down to see my hands glow with green fire. "Your quirk is a more advanced version of mine. I wanted to give it to you on your 5th birthday, but what happened happened and I never got to. Please Izuku, use your quirk to become the hero you dreamed to be since a small child. Become the next hero....for....peace." Dad started to pass out from pain with me still crying from what happened. "Izuku." I look behind to see the man in the suit approach me. "My names Atama Yaoyorozu. I'll be taking care of you from now on." I wiped my tears before nodding at him.

As we left, I said goodbye to Kaachan and went with Mr. Yaoyorozu. The car ride was silent for most of the way with him only telling me that my things are already at his home and that if he needs anything to please ask. "I also have a daughter about your age Izuku. Her name is Momo and is training to become a hero. For now, you will be transferred to her school since it's much closer and less of a commute for you." I only nod with my attention barely being on him. When we got to the entrance, we were met by a woman that looked to be his wife. "It's nice to meet you Izuku, my name is Megami Yaoyo..roz..u." I walk past her not even acknowledging her with Mr. Yaoyorozu apologizing for me.

"Your room is the one on the left. We made sure to put a sign on it in case you couldn't find it." I nod to comply before walking to my new room. Once there, I opened the door to see my things inside. I don't even bother unpacking yet and just sit on the bed. I reach over for the pillow at the head and put it to my face to scream inside it. When a few minutes pass, I fall back to stare at the ceiling. "He did it again. That son of a bitch took another person from me again." I look at my hand before activating AFO in it. "Next time we meet All Might, I'm going to make you regret not killing me yourself that day."

And that finishes the first chapter. So Izuku has AFO at age 9 and it's a stronger version folks, so that means Izuku can do things that AFO couldn't like take OFA when he wishes. But Izuku won't take the quirk, he'll make it die with All Might so nobody ever rises to do what All Might did ever again. Also, Yaoyorozu will be a good pillar for Izuku and not a lover(unless I chose to make a small harem). Anyways, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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